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Rolling Thunder MK. II (private)

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Lightning woke up and kissed Eris in her nose, smiling. "Alright dear." He said with a sad smile also. He stood up and got ready to say goodbye to all of them. He would be alone... with Eris... that wasnt that bad. Still, he would miss Missy and Caper.

Missy also made a sad smile to them. She sighed and got ready to go.

Luna, Darky and Lullaby went to thr house to get the stuff. They had the things in there ready. It was just time to pick it up.

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"I need to say goodbye to Courage and Lone," Caper said, trying not to get too upset. 


Eris nodded, standing up next to Thunder. "Alright sweetheart, you go ahead, we'll all meet at the portal when you're ready to leave."


Caper smiled faintly and nodded, heading out to the balcony. 

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"I will go with him." Missy said before she flew off after him.

Thundet, once alone with Eris, kissed her. "Even thogh I dont like thet they have to go. We will have more time for us." He said smiling to Eris

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"Yeah, I know," Eris said, giving Thunder a little smile and a nuzzle. "I'm just used to having them around, and I love them so much... but you're right; they've got to go out on their own at some point, and now I have you back... I'll be alright." 


She hugged him tightly, then took his hoof and headed out to the portal, to wait for all the others. 




Caper smiled as he saw Missy coming to join him, and waited for her before taking off and flying over Moontown, looking for the Timberwolves. "They don't even know we're going," He said, quietly, as he looked about, "I hope they're not upset." 

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Thunder smiled and gladly let her grab his hoof, then followed her ti thr portal.

He nuzzled her and smiled, waiting for thrm.


"I know they wont like it, but at the same time like it. Lets hope for thr best." Missy said with a sad smile

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Caper nodded, then finally spotted them, head out of the town together. He took a deep breath, then flew down, and landed in front of them. 


"Ah, Caper, and Miss Mischief!" Courage exclaimed, grinning wolfishly, "We were just discussing you; we were starting to wonder where you'd all gotten off to," 


Caper scratched the back of his head, and chuckled nervously. "Yeah... sorry about that; we've been spending a lot of time with Luna and her family, and... well... we've decided to go back to Equestria with them, at least for a while." 


"Oh, I see..." Courage said, sitting down, his ears folding down a bit. "I suppose I always knew you'd want to leave sooner or later, but..." 


Lone padded up next to him, and put his paw on the other wolf's shoulder. "Come now Courage; you were young once too; you remember what it was like to want to explore. We should be happy for them." 


Courage sighed, then looked at his partner and nodded. "You're right of course, as usual." He turned back to the alicornequui and smiled. "I hope you both have a wonderful time."

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"Thank you. Both of you.".missy said smiling before going to hug thrm. "We will come back and visit you when we can. We promise." She said smiling to them as she let thrm go. "I am going to miss you so much."

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Caper just nodded and hugged them both too, trying not to cry, but not quite managing it. 


Courage blushed at the hugs, and Lone just smiled, which was rare for him. "We will miss you both too," Courage said, "Now be safe, and off you trot, before I start blubbering like Caper here." 


Caper blushed and wiped his eyes with his paw. "I wasn't..." He protested, before just blushing more and nodding. "We will be back," He said, before turning to Missy, and looking towards the portal. "Come on Sis, let's get this over with..." 

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Missy let a tear out and a sniff, before nodding and following Caper to the portal, waving to Lone and Courage as she walked away.

Once at thr portal, Luna, Darky and Lullaby were already there.

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Eris sat leaning close against Thunder, needing him to help her through this, as Missy and Caper approached. "I don't want to make any long speeches, because I'll just get all upset," She said, as they reached the portal, "So I'll just tell you to be safe, and have a good time." 


She left Thunder's side for a moment and hugged Caper tightly, making it a little hard for him to breathe, but he didn't mind. He hugged her back, and kissed her cheek. "We will," He promised. 


Eris let him go and nodded, wiping away a tear, before turning to Missy, to give her a hug too. 

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As Eris let go Caper, Thunder went to hug him. "Make me proud my son." He said smiling as he cuddled him. "And stay safe. I dont want to go out there and save yoyr flank." He said smiling a sad smile.

Missy hugged Eris back. "I will miss you mom." She said a bit sad

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Caper blushed and nodded at what Thunder said, hugging him back. "You won't; Missy and I can handle ourselves. Besides, we'll be with Luna anyway..." He gently pulled back from the hug, and went to go and stand next to the portal, with Luna and the others,


"I love you both," He said, smiling brightly, as he waited patiently for Missy.

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"Glad to hear that." Thunder said as he let him go. He smiled and went with Eris after Missy stopped hugging her.

"I love you too mom." Missy said as she walked with the others.

"We will take good care of them. Dont worry." Luna said smiling.

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Luna smiled and lead the ponies out of the portal to Equestria.


Thunder hugged Eris back and looked at them as they left. he stroked her mane as soon as they were out, then kissed her cheek.




Outside was a sunny day. Luna smiled at that and lead them out. "Alright. First stop, The Crystal empire." She said smiling

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Eris cheered up a bit as they walked along, and nuzzled back. 


Once they were back at the house, Eris conjured up her fluffy dressing gown and headed to the sitting room with Thunder, and curling up on the sofa. She conjured up a pair of hot chocolates, complete with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles, then smiled at Thunder. 


"Will you put a book on the Thunderbox, love?" She asked, just wanting to take her mind off everything, and cuddle with him for a bit. 

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(I found a cool mod where you have to run the lucky 38 in NV)

Thunder smiled and nodded. He went for a book snd chose a romantic one, since they were now alone. He put it on the thunder box and went with Eris to snuggle her and cuddle her

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(Aw man... I wish I had Fallout on PC! No mods for me :c) 


Eris smiled at his choice of book and squeezed him lovingly with her arms and tail as he laid with her on the sofa. She kissed his cheek, and then floated the hot chocolates over, taking one for herself, and giving the other to Thunder.


"Perfect~" She sighed, contentedly.

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(You checked your PMs, Princy?)


Eris giggled at that, after kissing him for a minute or two. "Delicious~" She said, happily, "As always~" She giggled some more, and nuzzled his nose, before resting her head against his, and looking to see what was going on in the book. 

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(Nu :3)

Thunder laid back on Eris chest, smiling, as thr book started.

It was the story of two families at war, that the son of one and the daughter of the other one were in love.

The stallion was called romeo, amd the mare Juliet. Hmmm... interesting...

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"Ah, a classic, good choice~" Eris chuckled, kissing the back of Thunder's head softly. She had read the book many times, liking the mix of romance, action, and drama. It was one of her favourites. 


She cuddled Thunder, and settled in to watch the book. 

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Thunder smiled and cuddled her back, smiling, as he nuzzled her a bit and watched the box. He jad heard it was good, so he decided to see it.

the way thr ponies spoke was in rhymes, like the zebras, which madr it more interesting.

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