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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Caper blushed a bit more as she nuzzled him; he loved when she did it, but it was different with Missy there, he felt slightly self-concious.


He just leaned back against her warm, soft chest as the lights lowered, and the curtain rose, revealing the actor ponies, ready for the first scene. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Caper jumped slightly on Tia's lap, scrunching his nose as his eyes flickered and changed colour. He looked around and blushed as the lights came back on, and the announcer spoke. "Fillies and gentlecolts, there will now be a short break before we continue into part two of the play." 


The other ponies in the theatre stood up, and started walking back to the lobby, some chatting to each other as Caper yawned and stretched. 

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Missy came back with a big box of popcorn and a big can of soda before the play carries on.

Tia giggled at that and told a guard to bring some from her and Caper, as well as some for themselves

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Caper sat on her lap, wrapped in her hooves, and ate some popcorn himself as the curtain rose and the play resumed. 


The first part of the play had been about some pony growing up, from what he could remember, but this second half seemed to be about the pony becoming a soldier, and going off to war. He found it interesting, but was glad he had Celestia to snuggle through some of the nasty bits. 

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Caper was having fun too, despite the scary bits, and managed to stay awake the whole time, until the curtain dropped again, and the announced called another interlude. 


"This play's really good!" Caper enthused as the lights came back on, not mentioning that it was the only play he'd ever seen. 

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"I, um, just need to use the little colt's room though," He said, blushing slightly, and hopping off her lap. "I'll be back in a minute..." 

He let himself out of the box, nodding to the guards as he passed them, and headed to the toilet. 


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