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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Lullaby giggled at the belly and let him pick her up.

Missy smiled and nodded, then lead them to the city.

They arrived to a rater bg ice cream shop not so long after. It had quite the amount of.ponies, but wasn't even full.

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The trio drew quite a few looks, and a couple of ponies nudged each other and whispered, but once again they were all too polite to say anything. 


They trotted up to the counter, and were greated by a beige stallion with an aquamarine mane. "What can I get you, folks?" He asked, smiling. 


"Hmm..." Caper mused, looking at the menu and list of flavours, "I think I'll have... a butterscotch and mint sundae please, with extra sprinkles and a cherry on top."


The pony nodded, jotting down a note, before looking at Lullaby and Missy, "And what about you two lovely mares?" 

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Lullaby giggled and booped the pony. "Bue bewwy!" She said happily.

Missy giggled at that. "She wants a blue berry ice cream. In a cup please. And I want a bannana split, please." She then said smiling

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The pony scrunched his nose a bit, at the boop, but chuckled; working in an ice cream shop, he was used to foals doing that sort of thing. 


"Of course, Miss," He said, happily, moving around behind the counter to get their delicious frozen treats ready. 


"That'll be seven bits please," He said, a few minutes later, placing their order on the counter. 


Caper dug into his bag, reaching into his sack of bits, and pulled two five bit pieces. "Here you go," He said, smiling, "keep the change."


"Thank you very much!" The pony replied, beaming, "You three have a nice evening now!" 


Caper chuckled and picked up the ice creams with his magic. "Thank you, we will," 

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Missy smiled to the pony and lead the two to a free table. The place was full of different ages of ponies. Going from small foals up to old ponies. It was amazing.

Missy smiled and ate her ice cream. It was really good!,

Lullaby started nibbling and licking hers, smiling.

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