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[Ponyville] Home Again! (Open)


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Ponyville. Quaint country suburban living. Apple farms. Resident princess. Middle of winter and just out of Hearth's Warming, or atleast a few days past it, the snow had just about covered most if not all the train station. Thankfully none of the tracks however as ponies still needed to get from A to B at this busy time of the season, family to see...and homes to return to!
As the express rolled into Ponyville with a steaming hiss along the rails, ponies began to step out and off onto the snowy platform, most of it having been removed by the hustle bustle of eager travellers going across Equestria and by those visiting the quaint town that'd been the home for some amazing and interesting events in pony history. Although not a visitor per say, these hooves were all too happy to be in the town as soon as they met the platform and took a deep breath of the crisp winter air.



Though not as engrossed in her favourite element as she wished she could've been at the moment, the aptly named 'MudBug' still had the smell of rich dirt - as well as faint traces of the Canterlot hospital following her...even under a thick winter hat and scarf she promised her mother she'd wear once she returned home. The Cozy Kettle needed to be set up for Tea Cozy's return and the house itself needed to be checked....but she was just happy to see her home again. Saddle bags settled firmly either flank, the earth pony happily hopped off the platform into the biggest pile of snow she could find. 
It wasn't mud, but it'd do just as good! The delightful crunch was almost as cathartic as the squish of wet dirt.
But ofcourse, much to her dismay, it wouldn't leave that earthy brown mess on her hooves as much a clean dampness that'd just leave her hooves cold...should've worn those boots like her mother'd asked her to too. Oh well. It didn't dampen her spirit at least! And with that in mind she set off down the streets of Ponyville...wondering if she'd see any familiar faces on the way before she'd reach the nursery building.


Wonder how everypony's been enjoying their holidays... She thought to herself.


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