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(Art done by me)


Name: Copper

Nickname: Rusty (uses this as his name)
Sex: Male
Age: Teenage
Species: Dragon 
Eye colour: A minty green, like pennies exposed to oxidation. 

Coat: Rusty's 'coat' is made up of tough leathery hide, which is a dark brown tortoise shell pattern. He has copper colored scales running from his chin all the way to his tail, covering his underbelly. The top half of his head is black with a stripe running down from his eye. He has two horns on his forehead, two sweeping back, and two more on his upper neck. His ears are shaped like fins. His wings are a reflective copper, as well as his claws and tail fin. His legs have black 'socks' and he has black stripes down his tail. Three black spines on each side of his taile have reflective coppery hide stretched between them, used for maneuvering well in flight. 

Physique: Rusty is a teenage dragon and smaller than other dragons his age, but that doesn't mean he's not strong. At all fours, He's a solid three feet taller than an average bulky stallion. Rusty isn't as strong as other dragons either,but compared to a bulky stallion he has average strength. Rusty is lean and fit, built better for maneuvering and speed rather than strength. 

Residence: The peninsula off San Palomina Desert. More accurately, a cave in one of the sandstone cliffs. Seperate from his arena, his cave is located by the beach and more comfortably outfitted than some wild migratory dragon's homes. The entrance to his cave is up from the ground about two stories, and has an overhang to keep rain from blowing in. The entrance can be blocked with a doorway of woven plant fibers, moved into the cave entrance when the elements need to be kept out. Sandstorms, heatwaves, tornadoes, earthquakes and monsoons can occur, but almost never snow. 

Occupation: While dragons don't normally have jobs, dragons also normally are tough and committed enough to amassing their own hoard and competing with others. Rusty wasn't a strong fighter, though he had clever wit on his side. He started collecting animals and making them fight, and the betting of gems from other dragons allowed him to rise in social and economical standing. Other dragons that picked on him originally praised him for the entertainment, and his adopted father was proud when he started using his blacksmithing skills for good uses. When Rusty became old enough to leave home, He set out for a secluded area that ponies wouldn't discover, but still accessible for the dragons to travel to the ponies. The peninsula of San Palomina Desert was perfect and Rusty carved out an arena from a sandstone mountain along with some hired help. The arena is about 4 acres in diameter, with seats for dragons carved into the vertical part of the bowl. The ground has cave entrances on each side, where cells made for containing combatants are located. He never fights combatants to the death. 


Likes: Pennies, hot weather/sunbathing, tropical flowers, sandy beaches, tropical fruit, shallow warm water, Loves Coffee. 


Dislikes: Snow (Or cold in general) Swimming, Singing, Anything that's detail oriented, bigger dragons 

Unique Traits/Skills: Knows blacksmithing from his adopted father Mortar, but isn't very good at heavy lifting and usually works on small simple stuff. He's gotten proficient at hunting, trapping and tracking, especcially concerning when he wants to capture a new champion. 


Things he's bad at: Pillaging and fighting, he has to use intimidation and bluffing to win against weaker opponents. 


Fears: Caring for someone else, bigger dragons, and most of all he fears helpless, being caught in a trap like the prey he hunts and being utterly unable to escape. 


Goals: His goal is to find his real parents, and to either find, train or raise the ultimate fighting champion. 


History: Rusty was kidnapped from his real parents when he was an egg, and from where no one can say, though from his sandy coloration he seems to be from a hot climate with sand. A changeling hive had plans to raise the dragon to fight on their side, but as they passed over the badlands they were caught by the female green dragon Flora, who stole back the egg. She searched for his real parents but after having no luck, decided to adopt him much to the displeasure of her mate Mortar. Mortar is constantly dissapointed in his adopted son and cold towards him, though Flora loves Rusty with such a fierce intensity that her mate dares not challenge her. 


Personality: Like most dragons, Rusty is aggressive and loathe to talk about his feelings. He has a hot temper, and doesn't rely on others. He has a dark sense of humor, a gentler side and occasionally talks to himself when alone. Rusty is self consious, and a little vain. Despite his self-consiousness, he projects a persona of false confidence and charming wit to hide his insecurities. He's not an inherently bad guy, though he does enjoy the creature fights. He just wanted to be accepted in dragon society and the fighting of other creatures was the one thing he was good at setting up. He's self controlled and mostly solitary. 


* Rusty hunts his own champions but allows other dragons to admit their fighters too, for a fee naturally. 

* Uses special crystals to create a dome around the arena to keep in flying creatures. 

* Rusty cares deeply about his best fighters and treats them much better. 

* Secretly finds ponies adorable and would like to have one as a pet. 


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