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Time for a Fun Trip [Closed]


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Grey kept nodding as she started to tell him what she had. Once he was back home, he did once again went through what they bought that day and it seemed like everything that was needed for her was taken care of, so if she indeed took everything, it will be just fine. Hearing her mockingly offended remark, Grey smirk slightly, thinking that it was indeed just a mock. Well, at least he hoped so and it happened to be confirmed with the smirk afterwards


"I wouldn't say it's entirely that bad. Gives a lot of time to think and sometimes, it is just the thing I need" He pointed out before listening to the rest of her sentence "Well, if you will learn even one thing, I will still count it as a success. And you seem like a skilled learner, so might as well call it a victory now" The grey stallion chuckled slightly, mostly to himself.

Seeing her reaction to the word dangerous, Grey thought for a bit, contemplating if he should tell her now, so she can decide or maybe later... "I see.... In that case, I will tell you later, I don't want to spoil much just yet" It seemed reasonable.


Suddenly the distant sound a heavy wheels rolling on metal tracks could be heard along with a rhythmic beating of the trains engine. It was coming close "Alright. Time to go" Grey said before quickly grabbing his saddle-bags and throwing them on his bag just like he did thousands of times before.

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Rose sniffed. "Very well, you can have your victory." Despite her jibe, however, she was looking forward to this trip to some extent. It was surely peaceful out in the Whitetail Woods, and it might give her some time to simply relax and think. She'd be free to do whatever she liked, if anything at all, after they set up camp of course. "It's such a pity. I was hoping to get even a hint of what this danger was so I could at least know what I could expect. Alas," the pegasus shrugged.


Her attention was snagged by the heavy sound of the train's approach and her ears perked towards the sound as it steadily grew louder. Their ride was here! It stirred some excitement up within her for what lay ahead of them, and it was with an effort that Rose pulled herself back to her hooves. She tried to do it with as much grace as she could muster so that nopony would see her struggling, though she'd likely be unsuccessful in that attempt.


In any case, she could strive for that grace now that she was on her hooves, holding her head high and looking as unbothered as she possibly could as she moved closer to Grey on the platform. The stallion had pulled his bags on with ease, something she could admire just a little bit. After all, he was stronger than she was, and he was far more used to the weight and.. everything else about travel. Rose stood by him, watching the train's approach as it came ever closer to the train station, and soon, slowing down in front of the boarding platform with a squeal of brakes.

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