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Come Fly With Me (closed Steel) AppulDash


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Applejack felt stuck for a good solid minute, or what may as well have been a minute or an hour, her back legs kicking around fruitlessly as they tried to find purchase on a ground that did not exist. Once she was freed and she was freed quickly thanks to Rainbow's intervention- she felt dizzy and confused for a small bit. Her wings flapped out of sync and she buzzed around a little as she only slowy came to grips and back to her full faculties. well, that could have been a lot worse. The cloud pillar was hard to penetrate at first but once you went through the exterior it was...well, clouds. That could have been a lot worse and for the sake of their family Applejack was more than a little happy to report that her head could, indeed, break pillars like a true champion of some weird, barbaric sport from Fet Loch.


She listed to Rainbow discuss the fine art of flying. Applejack nodded along, listening a bit closer this time. Trying to ger her body to be as smooth as it was on the ground was roiugh, and she was never as agile as Rainbow in the first place. Still, she was pretty proud of what she had managed to do so far. Not bad for a first time flier, eh? Maybe she should sign up for the flight camp. Show all those foals what was what, right? "Well, maybe Ah *like* flyin' into pillars, right? Ever thought of that, ponygirl?" Applejack teased before she nodded. "Yeah, Ah'll try ta go slower. Reckon Ah might have some issue with that...how y'all get yer wings ta not start flappin' all panicked like. Just experience or is it instinct?" 

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  • 1 month later...

Ponygirl? RD chuckled. That was cute. She liked it! She's have to get AJ to say that again later...when they were alone. 


"Oh, I'm sure you do like it," RD raised a brow, trying to hide the little bit of a blush that had come to her cheeks. 


"Well, when you're born with wings you make all your mistakes as a filly," She blew her forelocks out of her eyes. "You, don't have that luxury."


She waited for AJ to regain herself, giving her time to find her balance on her own. That was the only way any form of instinct would ever start to take root. 


"Alright champ," She glanced a t another pillar of cloud up ahead. "Let's see you make it around that one!"

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Yeah, she reckoned that made sense. You made all manner of foalish mistakes as a youngin' with the hope being that as an older folk you didn't make a top-shelf flank of yourself in front of friends and kin. And she had certainly made plenty of mistakes as a filly, enough to make sure that as an adult she was as sober and pragmatic as any Apple could be. But this was a new experience and she would be lying if she said she was plum tickled to be making all sorts of dumb mistakes now in front of her wife, who for her part seemed to be having a bale of a time with it all. She'd have to get this down pat before Rainbow started to coo and treat her like a toddler. Or she'd simply just have to kick, that always helped!


Seriously, talk about a foalish response!
She took a few extra seconds to get her wings in order so she could balance and hover in the air without too much trouble, biting down on the aching and longing for the ground that even now pervaded her. But if she knew one thing it was that she was damn sure a sight better fit to win than to continue being made an absolute flank of, so she nodded her head and narrowed her eyes, taking a few good breaths as she prepared to make her move. When she took off, she didn't do so with a lot of speed. In fact, she was pretty sure she wa flying at leisure speed, but that was enough for her. She weaved in and out of the pillars easily enough, one of her wings only gently grazing a pillar. She took a wide turn to avoid having a tailspin, though that meant she was some distance away from Rainbow. "See? Ah told you!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rainbow clapped her hooves in approval. 


"Now that's what I call flying!" She zoomed over to AJ. "That was awesome!" 


It hadn't seemed like much but if anyone knew how hard learning to fly could be it was a pegasus!


"Want to go land and take a breather?"

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Applejack was very happy to be given the opportunity to rest. She was far too new to this flying thing to have any real stamina and with her bulky body drawing down on what reserves there could possibly be, yeah, she needed one. Even as she took her large turn to avoid the pillar, her right wing felt more and more stretched by the need to commit to keeping her body level.


"Yeah, Ah could do for a rest. Ya know, before Ah start mah Wonderbolt training," Applejack joked as she laughed as she started to move in for a landing. She tried to angle for a landing well and truly but she didn't know a darn thing about them, so instead of coming in for a landing at speed she just slowed to a hover and then dropped down with an audible galomph. "Nice an' easy. Ah could go for a bite to eat, can't you?"

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  • 1 month later...

Rainbow was actually quite impressed with the landing AJ had accomplished. There was no way most ponies would be able to pull something like that off with as little training as she had. Her wife was a remarkable creature and no mistake!


"Sure!" RD landed next to AJ, inspecting the way her mare folded back her wings. It wasn't entirely natural but it was a whole lot better than when she had started out. "How about some hay shakes at the cafe?"

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That would hit the spot. Flying was hard work and Applejack could feel her body burning through the stored energy as it went about doing what came so unnaturally to her. A part of her was worried about not enough hoof work, but she equally convinced herself it was a null issue for now. The wings were temporary and she could always work on some extra leg work later, after all. For now, she'd be content being the way that made her wife the most excited. Someday she'd get Rainbow under a plow to return the favor.


"Shakes sound good," Applejack smiled as she tried to think what flavor would best suit her newly winged form. Something light and fluffy, for sure. still, she was going to be a good little pegasi for Rainbow and as such started to hover a few hooves above the ground. It was an uneven hover and she sometimes started to float too high, sometimes landed at a small trot and needed to take off again. It wasn't the best, but she wasn't gonna let her mare down. "So, honest, how'm Ah doing?"

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  • 3 months later...

Rainbow gave AJ a snuggle, flapping her wings gently and smiling.


"Honestly, you're doing amazing AJ! I can't even imagine doing as much as you have in one day when you didn't grow up with wings!"


They made their way to grab hayshakes. Rainbow had to admit she'd never experienced a change so extreme as what AJ was up against. But who knew, a big change might be coming down the road towards RD faster than she could have thought!

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