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Shelter from the (muscial) storm. (Sunny, Closed)

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"I can imagine how that could make you feel. I wish I had something to say to make it feel less like a slight. All I can say is that its in the past. She's gone, defeated, and you're here. Now. And soon, ponies will see just how powerful and cool you are," she smiled, patting him on the shoulder. Frankly, she would have enjoyed not having any evil Alicorn trying to conquer her world and steal everypony's magic, dooming them to being incomplete and slaves. She could understand not wanting to be forgotten or thought of as weak, but...who cares what some ponies think? "Besides, it was from an insane pony. No reason to allow them to dictate how we feel about ourselves, right?"


She picked up one of her broken evil alicorn playset wings and pondered what he said next. Was it dishonesty? Not really, not the way she was thinking about it at least. "Hmm...I don't believe it is. After all, it is just a bit of acting. As for my friends, I don't plan on being, you know, an evil me. That would be really random! Like, they wouldn't believe it. But some new, hereforeto unknown evil Alicorn? Well, apparently Equestria has those just laying about under rugs or something. And we'll set it up right!" She got excited again. It was just like holding a play! "Oooh, this will be so much fun!...But we'll need at least one more pony's help, I think. I don't have anywhere near the level of craftsmareship to fix this or make something even better. We'll need..."

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  • 1 month later...

Accidental Allegro


The look on Allegro's face suggested that he still wasn't a big fan of this idea. Something about what Sunny was suggesting didn't seem right to him and the urge to awkwardly shuffle around a little won out in the end. "I mean... if evil alicorns are so common can't we just... you know... find one? I mean if they're going to be trying to take the world over or something anyway, is provoking them to act sooner rather then later a terrible idea?" For some strange reason the mental image of finding a sleeping pony with wings and a horn that looked like Sunny, but with a completely black coat that they needed to awaken via poking them with a stick came to mind.


Shaking his head slightly to get that image out, he decided to instead ask "So... let's say we go through with this idea and you dress yourself up. Are you... just planning on walking down the street, laughing evilly and announcing for all to hear that you intend to take over the world?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Oh Allegro, its gonna be fine! And fun. And then you’ll be a hero and everypony will just ADORE you,” She smiled broadly and warmly. “That will be an easy way to get ponies to accept you. Ponies love heroes and heroines and those that save the day. Or at least, you know, save an afternoon or something. And when its all over, I'm the one who has to deal with the awkward aftermath. And believe me, I'm used to plenty of those," she laughed breezily as she started imagining the look and costume.


While her mane was lost to wonder, her brain was allowed to ponder. Why not allow a random evil Alicorn to reveal itself? She giggled. "I was being a bit silly. Alicorns are exceptionally rare. In fact, I think there have only been...seven?...Alicorns in history. Of those, only one- Opaline- seemed to be entirely evil. Another wasn't evil per se but had, err...a period of time she was? It just so happens that between Opaline and...Lunar? Nightmare Moon, I think?...a lot of Equestrian history revolves around it," she finished, then shrugged. "In any case, I don't think we can count on that. Nope,' you'll just have to count on me and...somepony to design a great costume for me," she said, hopping back in place. "How about...Pipp?"

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Accidental Allegro


The uncertainty was still there. Something in Allegro's gut was telling him that what Sunny was suggesting was a terrible idea for some reason but... well, seeing her get all excited about it and the fact that she was clearly more experienced in dealings with the herd then he was... maybe she had a point?


A sigh escaped him alongside a flick of his tail before he finally submitted to her judgement. "Alright." Taking a deep breath, he offered her a small smile. "So... who is Pipp?"

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Sunny thought about it for a small moment. If he knew her, she assumed that he had to know about her friends. Of course, maybe he knew of them but not well enough to have a full accounting of their names. pony names could at times confuse or frustrate other creatures, or so the old stories told her. She nodded and cantered on over to a wall that had pictures of her and her friends during their new and joy-filled lives in Maretime Bay.

"Princess Pipp Petals of Zephyr Heights. We just call her Pipp!" She said, pointing at a picture of Pipp as she performed at Mane Melody. "She also owns the new mane-care saloon on the boardtrot," she said as she turned back to Allegro, beaming. "I'm sure you've seen her! She is very creative. If anypony could help us create an awesome costume, it would be her!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Accidental Allegro


Allegro followed Sunny a little in order to have a look at the picture that she pointed out. Truth be told he couldn't remember if he had seen Pipp around before or not, but as he gazed at the picture he couldn't help but notice a key difference between her and the other winged ponies he had seen on occasion around the bay. "...Why are her wings all fluffy? I don't think I've ever seen a pony with fluffy wings before." was that a rude question to ask? He didn't know.


Glancing back at Sunny through, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes just a little. "...Have you wanted to pretend to be a villain for a while now and you're just using this as an excuse to go ahead with that? Because you seem to have put an awful lot of thought into this plan..."

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Sunny gasped. “Allegro!” She shook her head and laughed, hoof to mouth. “Haha, all ponies are unique and special in their own ways. The wings of every pegasus, the horns of every unicorn are different in small ways or big ways. After all, that is part of what makes each creature so lovely and such a gift to the rest of us!” She offered happily as she started gathering what was needed for a quick trek to get Pipp.


“Do I enjoy it?” She laughed. “I mean, I did dress up as Nightmare Moon one year. The way I look at it, dressing up as one of the ancient good Alicorns would be disrespectful. And…” he shook her head, then turned back. “Let’s not worry about it. Time to get Pipp!”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Accidental Allegro


There was a slight rolling of his eyes, but Allegro conceded as he offered "Alright, I won't ask." in relation to Pipp's fluffiness. Taking a deep breath as Sunny mentioned that it was time to get Pipp, the hybrid couldn't help but look... somewhat bashful as he felt the need to ask "W-Would you mind if I had a shower here? I've used the public ones they've got down by the beach to wash off sand and salt on occasion but... it's been years since I've been able to use warm water for a shower." He honestly hated having to ask but... he stank and he knew it. Sunny might have been polite about not mentioning it, but the knowledge weighed on his mind.

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Sunny hadn't given any thought to his smell. He smelled in part like stagnant water, like a pond or body of water at rest too long. She hadn't assigned any quality to it, however. She had never met one of his kind before. How rude of her would it have been to comment on his odor if it turned out that he smelled as he should have? She wasn't going to lampoon a species she had never met before, after all.


"OH! Yes, a shower. Well, feel free to use ours. Second floor, top of the staircase. Can't miss it. If you need any help, give me a yell or two. I'll just be down here getting ready," she said happily, allowing him to take care of what he thought he needed to. That would give her time to get ready for their mission, as well as journal all her new discoveries. It had been an eventful few minutes, really, and she was pleased to see where this all went!....And how her friends would react, too!

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Accidental Allegro


Nodding his head at the directions she had given him, he took a deep breath as he turned to start walking... through paused before he got out of sight. Turning back towards her, he felt the need to ask "If and when Pipp gets here... do you want me to... you know... look like a pony until we explain things to her or...?" Because he really didn't need to hear someone screaming at the sight of him again. Granted, since the ligh... Brighthouse was mostly stone burning it down would be a lot harder to do at least.


He had been innocently looking around while he waited for an answer when his eyes landed on a picture and he suddenly tensed up. At first he was just processing the picture until a deep growl started to rise from the back of his throat, the anger that was rising within him unable to be contained or expressed with words. It was innocent enough photo, which seemed to just be Sunny (and Pipp!) with a few other ponies, posing for a picture... but his eyes locked on the one stallion in it with a singular focus. "...That's him. That's HIM!" was hissed like an angry cat, his tail flicking back and forward as Allegro seemed to be lowering himself to pounce and attack. The only reason he didn't was because... well, it was just a photo.

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Sunny gave it a quick thought before shaking her head. “What we’ll do is, you get dressed and ready but stay upstairs in the room. I’ll get her prepped and ready for you and then call you down. It should be a breeze! Well, there might be a real breeze as well since she is a pegasus, but you caught what I was saying,” she said with a laugh, tossing her mane off to the side as she started looking around to get her saddlebag ready to go.


As she started packing, she thought she heard something growling. Had she eaten? Had it been enough when she had eaten? Usually stomachs didn’t sound so loud but what else could it be? Her mind, so distracted by the events of the last few minutes took a full few moments to register all the obvious clues that indicated that the growling had nothing to do with her poor breakfast and everything to do with her great guest! “Is everything okay?” Sunny asked, her head in her saddlebag before closing it and throwing it over her back and trotting to where she heard his unique cat-like hiss last.

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Accidental Allegro


Allegro needed a moment in order to collect himself. Hissing, growling and generally wanting to sink his teeth into somepony might make him feel a lot better in the moment, but didn't exactly allow one to hold a reasonable conversation. It was something of a force of will, but he forced himself away from the animal that longed to lash out at a source of pain before attempting to speak. "It's him. I would recognize him anywhere. He was there that night. He was one of the ponies that burned down my home. There was a weedy looking red stallion with him too..."

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Sunny looked at the photo, taking in who was there and trying to understand what he was saying. She couldn’t quite process it for a while, as if his growling and change in attitude was hard enough for her to stomach without even taking into consideration what he was growling at for a few moments. In a better situation she would consider bringing out as notebook and writing down the details of what a Siren’s growl sounded like. Hiss. 


A growl or a hiss? She couldn’t really decide, and then she realized she was obsessing over that only because she didn’t really want to process what was actually being said. Sprout really was a weedy looking red colt, even when he was a stallion. She would never say this out loud, but he just looked really strange. But the other stallion- was he really part of it? She hadn’t heard anything about this. And was he even part of the Sheriff's department back then?

“...Do you mean Hitch? Hitch Trailblazer?”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Accidental Allegro


Allegro turned to look towards Sunny, further trying to reel in the almost feral energy that was urging him onward. "I don't know his name. But that's him, I'm sure of it! Him, some red stallion and a couple of other ponies..." It would have helped if he  had been able to take a picture or something at the time but... that hadn't really been an option in the heat of the moment.


Then an idea struck him. "...Do you know where he lives? The red stallion as well?" He asked in a suspiciously calm voice, with a dangerous spark in his eyes that suggested that actual fires might be started in the near future. 

Edited by StrongCopper
Mixed up a coloration.
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