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Need a programmer for a fangame


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Hello all. I'm Lucan, mechanic design/concept design/writer for the fangame Legend of Celestia.

First off, you are probably wondering "What is Legend of Celestia?"

Legend of Celestia is a Pony themed Zelda game. It plays like Zelda, but has feels very... pony. The gameplay is a nice mix of A Link to the Past and Minish Cap. It will have two item slots, seven dungeons, and a large world with many secrets. Legend of Celestia, like the Zelda series, puts emphasis on exploration. In fact, Legend of Celestia emphasizes it even more. While Zelda may have a heart container hidden here and there, Legend of Celestia has towns that are located so that you could only access them if you are looking for them (or just badly lost). Not only that, but it also has hidden items, heart containers, and boosts to the max amount of ammo (Like bombs, darts, magic energy) hidden.

It's music is anazingly well done by Mabe (I38VWI),. It's chiptune music that not only captures the pony/zelda theme of the game, but also emotion. Boss battle music is intense, while towns are very calming. The music is truely beautiful.

This project has attracted some attention, and has a few fans. We even have a website following our project ( Whenever we have big news, they post it! ), Equestria Gaming. Of course, this game is very young and just a little bit of progress has been made. When it is finished, it's bound to attract a lot of attention and have more than enough fans.

Interested in joining us? Great! Make a post telling me why you should get the position!

What kinds of things can you use? Look below.

What we reccomend

> High skill in GML (We're working with advanced stuff here)

> Already own a STEAM Account

> Spare time

What we require

> High skill in scripting either Java, LUA, C++, or GML. Of course, you can be skilled in more than one of those.

> Fast worker - there's a reason why we had made so much progress before our programmer was booted (due to his laziness)

> Be tolerant. Seriously, we don't need somebody like our last programmer - I simply told him that I was not happy about a testing version being a week late... over a month ago. He still has not turned it in.

> Be a hard worker. The lazy won't last very long in our group. No matter how skilled they are, they will eventually get booted. Somebody who actually works and gets things in on time will last a long time in the creation of this game, and may even be invited to work on a sequel.

> Be online often. It's a pain in the neck having a teammate who isn't online when you need them to be.

> If you don't have a STEAM account, GET ONE. It's easier for us to contact you, and it's also where we hold our meetings.

> Get things in on time. Late things really annoy us, and we will boot you from the team if something is much too late.

> If something is bound to be late, WARN US. We will change the due date once, and will extend it to (at the most) a week after the original due date. If we have to do this too often, you will get booted.

If these things fit you (and sound nice and agreeable, too), please apply!

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