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Brony stands up to stepdad because of MLP:FiM.


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I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking to fictional characters as a beacon of hope, or a source of courage. There are plenty of people out there wearing a Superman emblem, looking to him for his unrelenting optimism and his belief in the good in all people. Grown men cry over Kermit the Frog's "The Rainbow Connection", because it's about belief in something beautiful out there, waiting to be discovered by absolutely everyone. What does MLP:FIM teach us? Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness and Laughter. If anyone watches that show, taking those five lessons with them and because of it, becomes a better friend, well, that's magic.

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You know, stories don't make me cry. Not normally. I don't think I've cried at a story in years...

.... until now. Manly tears were shed this day, and I salute the guy who posted this. Ponies change lives. They give strength, inspiration, courage. They make everything better, and everybody stronger. Anywhere from strong enough to go after a goal, to strong enough to stand up to the man who tortured you when you were little. My dad was cruel to me, and I hate him. I would have snapped... and mine isn't as bad as this guy's step dad. If this guy isn't a hero, I don't know what is.

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