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Cloudchaser [Final]

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Name: Cloud Chaser

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Dark Blue (#00008B)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Sky Blue(#87CEEB), wavy, and neat

Eye Color: Denim (#1560BD)

Cutie Mark: Three clouds

Physique: Slim, wiry, and delicate looking

Origin: Manehattan

Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Occupation: Weather Pony

Motivation: Loves to fly around with the clouds, either clearing the sky or creating a storm.

Likes: Flying, clouds, smiles, and making friends

Dislikes: Anger, sadness, frowns, and making enemies

Character Summary:

Cloud Chaser was born in Manehattan, into a family of highly ranked social elites. Originally her name was Amber, but she changed it later. She lived her younger life in a world of fake smiles and polite chitchat, and she hated it. She was constantly rebelling against her stiff parents by mingling with the 'common folk'. Although she came from a family of Pegasi, flying was seen as something one did as a necessity. Only working ponies, like the Weather Ponies, flew of their own accord. They hired other ponies to fly them around in chariots. Cloud Chaser was constantly disgracing her family by flying with the working ponies, playing around. One day one of the Weather Ponies was sick and she volunteered to step in. A huge storm was brewing, but none had been planned. It was the result of some lazy work by a few other Weather Ponies. Cloud Chaser was the only pony in the sky during that shift and the huge clouds were approaching. She felt a rush she had never experienced the likes of before, and began to fly faster then she ever thought she could. Cloud Chaser managed to round up all the clouds into one corner of the sky before clearing them all in one fell swoop. That was when she realized her destiny and got her cutie mark. She also officially changed her name to Cloud Chaser.

After that Cloud Chaser was completely shunned by her parents and family as a disgrace to the family. She managed to scrape out a living, going from the upper-class to the lower-class in Manehattan. Since there isn't much work to be had she tends to travel around a lot, to wherever she can find work. Cloud Chaser enjoys her life now, much more then before. She is always happy and never gets mad or upset or jealous. It is very rare to see her sad, and she keeps a very positive outlook. Also, Cloud Chaser is a bit of a silly pony and a ditz. She can't really read social cues well, and can't tell when someone is uncomfortable or unhappy with the conversation. She's messy and loves to talk. She has an amazing talent to spout out a minutes worth of talking without taking a breath, and Cloud Chaser loves to fly. Although she isn't much into winning and losing, she does enjoy racing for the pure pleasure of flying fast. Although since her main job as a Weather Pony is to take care of the clouds she doesn't really fly fast a lot, she's surprisingly speedy. She is a good sport, whether she's first or not.

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Hay there, just figured I would stop by and lend a helping hoof. You have a good start to an application here, but it needs some fleshing out. First thing's first however. Having her name changed from Lyra to Cloudchaser in unnecessary to the character. Plus it steps on the hooves of the cast character Lyra, so I would strongly recommend removing that from the application. Also what his her personality like? Is she bold and brash, or timid and quiet? Is she neat or sloppy? Simple things like that can help make a more dynamic character and playing experience for both you and the ponies that Cloudchaser meets! Also you might want to add a bit to her cutie-mark story. What was she doing as a weather patrol pony when she got it? Was she making or breaking up a storm? Maybe she was whipping up ans especially pretty cloud formation! Which could be linked to her special talent of weather manipulation. Adding something along those lines to the application will give other ponies a better insight into what your character has accomplished and what they strive for. One final thing, calling her an idiot is a bit harsh to the poor lass. She can of course be silly, ditzy, and socially inept, although she might be hard to play as such, but calling her an idiot just isn't needed.

Again this looks like a great application in progress and with a little more meat on its bones I could see Cloudchaser living up to her namesake and darting across the skies of Equestria!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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Hay again. While you did put some of the changes into affect that I suggested, I still don't see much in the way of a cutie-mark story.

What was she doing as a weather patrol pony when she got it? Was she making or breaking up a storm? Maybe she was whipping up ans especially pretty cloud formation! Which could be linked to her special talent of weather manipulation. Adding something along those lines to the application will give other ponies a better insight into what your character has accomplished and what they strive for.

Now I know that sometimes coming up with this can be difficult, but since the cutie-mark is so very important to the character, seeing it developed a little bit more would be great! Just a little tidbit on what she was actually doing when she received it would be great!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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