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Verbal Inkdrop [FINAL]


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Name: Verbal Inkdrop

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Coat Color: A dark blue color. (#2d3872)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: A short, somewhat messy mane of a cerulean color (#3eafcb) with light streaks of cyan (#7ffffe).

Eye Color: Sea blue eyes. (#0078fa)

Cutie Mark: A quill next to a drop of ink.


Physique: Somewhat slim, not very strong.

Origin: Canterlot

Roleplay Type: Mane

Occupation: Writer, journalist.

Motivation: To bring news and critics and, of course, to entertain with his writings.

Likes: Reading, jokes, writing, interviews, cats, socializing, art, adventure.

Dislikes: Disorder, boredom, the supernatural, people who can't stand a joke, swimming.

Character Summary


Verbal Inkdrop was born in Canterlot. His talent was never truly known: he didn't even seem to have one. In fact, he stayed as a "blank-flank" until later school. Always being picked on for not having a cutie mark, he became quite carefree and excentric, always smiling and trying to hide is inner loneliness. However, one day, he discovered his true talent. His school was seeking for journalists and writers for the newspaper, and Verbal, nearly hopeless and trying to discover his true talent, tried to test if this could help him get his cutie mark.

After starting to write his first article, inspiration just seemed to appear: after taking the quill, he just couldn't stop. Reporting, interviewing... he discovered he had a passion for it, and practiced it every day. His articles first weren't very well received, but soon he started to become more popular at school. A few months after, he had a lot of skill in doing so, and was the most popular journalist of the club in charge of his school's newspaper.

His cutie mark appeared soon after, when one of his articles became the "Best Article of the Month" in the newspaper, and he has been writing and reporting ever since.

He graduated on the university of Canterlot not long ago, and finally became a full-fledged journalist. As of now, he seeks news to write about, stories, and amazing events, and always carries his notebook and his trusty quill.


Verbal Inkdrop is a excentric, fun-loving journalist. Always loving a good prank or joke, he wants to deliver true news with a good sense of humor, and is shown to be quite of a bookworm. However, he can sometimes be distant and carefree, not minding other ponies' feelings and just caring for himself. He is quite intelligent and clever, knowing his way through various kinds of problems, but is also unexperienced as well. Being a late bloomer, he tried on various activities and different things to get his Cutie Mark. As so, he has quite a lot of knowledge about some other jobs and proffesions.


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