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Trailblaze [Final]


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Name: Trailblaze

Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Sex: Male

Age: Colt

Species: Unicorn

Origin: Born in Canterlot, currently spends most of his time camping with his father.

Occupation: Assists his father with bringing timber to the towns

Motivation: To make his father proud by becoming as skilled as him

Likes: Camping, nature, fruit, helping other ponies in need, traveling, ghost stories

Dislikes: Crowds, mistreatment of others, being in one spot for too long

Pelt Color: Dark Green

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Short, Dark Brown Mane and Tail

Eye Color: Blue

Cutie Mark: Campfire, two crossed sticks with fire over it

Physique: Short and Athletic

Character Summary:

Trailblaze was born in Canterlot, his father was Timberfall, a stallion who gathered and brought wood all over Equestria, and his mother Sweet Birch served as a carpenter in Canterlot. Trailblaze was a pretty active foal, always managing to get lost around Canterlot, and causing his mother constant stress. When cutie marks started appearing on his classmates his drove his mother to the breaking point by trying to help around the shop, sadly he only managed to cause more harm than good, he is still banned from touching the tools in her shop. Eventually, she convinced Timberfall to take him on one of his deliveries in the hopes that Trailblaze would find his purpose on the trip.

On that trip he received his cutie mark. while helping set up the camp site, the campfire grew a bit too much, due to his enthusiasm for adding more wood to it, the fire caught the timber he had helped his father gather, it was in that moment of desperation that his magic awoke along with his cutie mark. That faint blue glow emitted by his horn causing the flames to slowly die down. He knew that night, that his destiny was to spend his time amongst the flora and fauna of Equestria, ensuring their safety from fire, while also ensuring the populace had a steady supply of timber. He and his father stop by whenever possible to visit his mother.


Trailblaze has had a few close calls due to his hasty nature when younger, and has chipped his horn numerous times recently via being distracted by the sights and sounds in town while delivering timber. The extended amounts of time with out pony contact has left him a bit awkward at times with others usually accidentally annoying them due to his ego, his temper tends to flare when he notices others being treated poorly and that old hasty nature quickly returns.


He tends to avoid using magic outside of aiding his father at work, normally just chopping and hauling timber. He is capable of starting and stopping fires with it as well, but enjoys starting them the old fashioned way. His horn aids in navigation via producing a glow in the direction of the town or item he focuses his thoughts on. He has the normal telekinetic abilities many other unicorns utilize making the movement of bundles of timber that much easier, or assisting injured ponies get to a medical professional.

Image: post-1427-0-13829200-1322693097_thumb.pn

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I have to say, this is a cute little application and the character seems to be mildly well thought out...after having looked it over, I couldn't really see anything IMMEDIATELY wrong with it, so I'm just pretty much going to say that it looks pretty good to me as a whole. However, I totally invite everypony else to take a look through and see if there's anything they notice that could stand to be redone or reimagined...but in all honesty, I can't say there's much here that we wouldn't theoretically allow to pass in an application that I saw at first, second and third glances. The floor is open to the rest of you ponies - give our l'il fire safety pony some Critique-love!

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Thanks for the critique, I kept a simple approach with Trailblaze, my other apps will have a bit more detail once I get into the swing of things in the forums. It does answer the question of how ponies get timber, and why not make him sort of like a socially awkward smokey the bear.

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