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Could not find a recent topic for this, so here I goes! :P

Been into it since early 2011, but been obsessing recently because of con season/movie release/season 3 release. It's currently overpowering my love for ponies, I fear I might slip into the dark depths of annoying fangirlness! :wail:

I'm actually gonna breakdown and cosplay England (I promised myself I wouldn't cosplay anything so mainstream 8-)) I'm even gonna cut my hair like his since I'm blonde and I had a bad wig experience while being Fluttershy. :'D But because I'm super cool, I'm doing casual/alternate outfits instead of just buying the military uniform.

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I've been meaning to get into that. I hear it's really good, and the clips I've seen on youtube seem to confirm that theory

It doesn't take much effort to get into it; all the characters are likable and the episodes are only 5 minutes long, adding up to about 6 hours of dubbed content (plus the movie). I recommend dub over sub because the dub is re-written for Americans/westerners to understand better, as apposed to what the Japanese see as stereotypes. Plus the dub voices are more pleasant.

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I was going to say that I couldn't get into it because I don't have the time, but if they're only five minutes each, I'll probably start after school or this weekend. I thought each episode was a whole half hour

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Ja ja; it started out as a web series so that's why they're so short. I'm disappointed that they didn't bump the time up, I mean the franchise has a crap ton of merch and hordes of fans, so surely there was enough money.

In the commentary of the movie, China's dub voice actress said that the manga has been discontinued (it was rare to begin with though). But I wanna know what this spells for the anime. The series is still relatively new and popular, surely they won't stop after just 4 seasons of 5 minute episodes. The creator hasn't said anything about the manga or anime, but he's still drawing webcomics frequently and has recently posted (still posting) new designs of the main characters in modern-day military uniforms. But there's no mention if it's just for his own personal amusement or if a new series/seasons are coming out. He has other web comics going on, but surely if he was a smart man he'd milk Hetalia for all its worth.

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If there's one place where I can't in any way, shape or form make someone feel bad about what they like, it's here.

I admit, it's not my taste. I'm used to moe-blobs, but WOW those boys are dense. I was also really expecting some kind of historical accuracy. Like... geijinka World War II. I dunno.

But enough of that. Rock the cosplay, fangirl! Here's a question though: Is the military uniform just as recognizable as the casual wear? Little stuff like that helps if you're looking to be the target of photo-ops.

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