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For whatever reason, be it work schedule or time zone, there is a drastic difference between when Bramble posts and when I post. And this is not a bad thing. I am not ashamed to admit that I look forward to, first thing in the morning, checking my iPhone for not Facebook or emails, but Ponies and Dragons posts.

Am I boring?

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Very sorry. I know, it can sometimes be a few days. :( This makes me sad, becuase I *want* to do it before then, but ... I almost always post in the morning. But thursdays and fridays I try to exercise in the morning, instead. Wednesday, this week, I also did so. Evenings I often sit down and try to post, but my brain is fried.

Also: I see your casting style is in the 'Slayers' method. :)

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I had the strange idea of the four ponies going to White Castle. It was the drive-thru. It had to be, as the drive-thru is the only place Bramble wouldn't immediately be assigned a kids meal by the staff. Also, Ironmane was driving. I think she ordered Sprite.

I'm weird.

Edit: I kept going. At this point in Bramble's life, he's torn. Because, finally, he gets to order an adult sized meal. As it turns out, it's too much for him. So it's back to kids meals because he can actually finish the whole thing. Tornado Ali gets ice cream. So much ice cream. Because monestaries never carried the stuff. She has sundaes stashed around Equestria in case of sundae emergency. Curtain Call manages to get the most food and spend the fewest bits via the dollar menu.

And this is where the conversation turned from eating out to an actual food budget. See, Tortoise Shell thought Curtains "spending the least" meant "spending other ponies money". No, he's just really good at budgeting. But, yes, he does commit credit card fraud on the side. Nothing huge. He's not going to buy a boat with it. He actually uses them for his groceries. Respectfully, too. Once a month at most, usually, so as the rightful owners don't catch on, and it's never more than thirty bucks. His friends know when he's not using his own money when suddenly they see in his pantry real Lucky Charms instead of sore-brand 'Marshmallow Maties" and Dr. Pepper instead of 'Dr. Thunder' (These are real knock off brands near us, btw). Oh, and there's real milk, instead of a huge stock of the evaporated kind.

Which goes back to them all going to White Castle. Because Curtain Call eats like $#!%.

Again, I'm weird.

Edit again! I can keep going! During that legendary snog party, Ali got her first real taste of junk food. Sure, she would get birthday cake from the folks, but not real garbage salty greasy snack food. Food that was in the lunches of every student that snuck into her room. Her first bite of Cheetos was a Thus Spake Zarathustra moment. Now that she's living with her friend's mum's house (haha, I just now remembered that!), she needs to be dragged kicking and screaming from all the Canterlot bakeries. Ironmane warns her about the dangers of pudge.

Why am I thinking about this?

Edit: Help: Ironmane had the exact same problem! That's why she warns her! But she got over it, as Platinum's upbringing is less strict than Hurricane's. Once a month, to satisfy her sweet tooth, she heads to this one high end dessert shop, tells no pony and has an intimate moment with a rich chocolate moouse.

Edit: Bramble has a huge collection of kids meal toys. He doesn't want them but he can't bring himself to throw them away. Charities came up in conversation now and then, but he's getting sentimental about them lately.

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Ironmane would insist on getting her friends the highest quality...anything. Whatever it is they're craving, she would try to find somepony who knew the place to get the best--not necessarily the most expensive--and refuse to allow any of them to pay for it.

Ironmane would love soul food. All those foods that make you just feel good to be alive.

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"[colour=#006400]For the last time, Ironmane, we are going Dutch and you are going to like it![/colour]"

"[colour=#4b0082]But I simply cannot-[/colour]"

"[colour=#006400]No buts![/colour]"

"[colour=#4b0082]You're on such a tight budge-[/colour]"

"[colour=#006400]Zip it![/colour]"

"[colour=#4b0082]Can we at least not go to Dairy Queen again? You really should eat healt-[/colour]"

"[colour=#006400]I said zip it![/colour]"

"[colour=#0000ff]Wait, we're not going to Dairy Queen?[/colour]"

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As a side note, the part of Tornado Ali will be played by yours truly tomorrow. That bad week our household is having? It decided to stick around a while longer. One more thing! This weekend, Thursday-Sunday, we will be traveling to Baltimore for Otakon! Anime everywhere! Still expect me to post, though. Because I am a weirdo and I cannot stay away. Besides, I have to do something while online for panels.

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Here's news:

The little red guy above is doing better! The vet checks in daily.

We have settled in for the evening in Baltimore. Looking forward to Con tomorrow! On a side note, there is a local newspaper with Bronycon as its front page. I feel like scanning and submitting to EQD or something.

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The kitty! Strangely, one of the players in our podcast just had very similar cat-trouble, if I judge by the picture...coincidence? Glad he's okay.

As for the bad week, let us know if there's any way anonymous, cowardly strangers (and I speak only for myself there) can help.

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