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Waterlily [Final]


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Name: Blossom Waterlily

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: White

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:She

has a Fluttershy mane and a Rainbow Dash tail.

Mane & tail color is light grass

green and light blue.

Eye Color: Light blue

Cutie Mark: A flower

Physique: Fit, a bit tall, sleek body build

(if that makes any sense)

Origin: Cloudsdale

Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Occupation: Animal-helper (just a

passive job), Cloud-remover (for a living)

Motivation: Have fun/Be happy, Help anypony

or animal who needs help

Likes: (optional)

Dislikes: Cruel ponies/creatures, grumpy


Character Summary:

Waterlily had always been interested in the ground because up from the sky it seemed like a whole new world for her, with a bunch of new, friendly, furry creatures. When her father broke several wingbones on both wings, however, they did not completely mend correctly, and he could only manage short flights to the lowest clouds. This caused Waterlily's family to have a permanent home on the ground - however, Waterlily, becoming more trustworthy each day as she gets older and older, is allowed to fly up to higher and higher clouds, although she likes the ground just as much as the sky. Her parents, who had always wanted her to live in the clouds, tried to force her to stop liking the ground, but when Waterlily finally had enough, her parents just gave up trying, but it had left a permanent mark on her - stubbornness.

Waterlily has a interesting character. She is usually a peaceful, agreeable and friendly pony. When extremely insecure, she usually masks it with extreme "happiness", because she doesn't want anyone to know that she really needs help - she only wants to give help, and doesn't want to receive. She is also very determined. When a pony tries to stop her from doing something that she sees no reason to not do, she will become very stubborn and will almost never change her mind and not do the action.

Waterlily has loved animals and nature for her whole life.

Cutie Mark Story:

Waterlily trotted along the familiar dirt path, humming happily to herself. All of the sudden, she heard a faint cry for help - the cry for help

that was only cried when a creature was extremely desperate, confused, or lost. With no thought of her personal safety, she was

galloping towards the cries, faster than she had ever galloped before. When she got there, she gasped.

There, at the bottom of the largest oak tree Waterlily had ever seen, was a baby bird, crying desperately for its mother. Waterlily looked up. The oak tree stretched far above her head. Waterlily gulped. She had only just started flying a few weeks ago. Was she up to the task? I have to be, for this baby bird's sake. she told herself. She gently took the bird into her front hooves and started madly flapping her wings. Before she knew it, she was airborne, and gaining altitude quickly. She soon spotted the baby bird's nest, and as she gently placed the chick back in it's nest, she felt an odd sensation on her flank. Twisting her head around, she let out a little squeak of excitement.

There, on her flank, was... her cutie mark.



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We also have a pony called Lily...spelled Lilly. We do NOT however have a pony named Waterlily or Daylily.

A few things I would wonder if I were RPing with your character. What influenced her life to make her love animals always? We're lead to believe that many Pegasi prefer to not be on the ground? Do we know anything about her family? Maybe her mom or dad has an injury that keeps the entire family grounded? Why is she so stubborn? Does she have a sibling who tells her she can't do anything, overprotective parents or a slightly bossy friend? How did she become both an animal helper and a cloud mover at such an early age? Is she in some kind of apprentice program for either of these things, or does she just do them basically for fun and make it more important in her mind?

Other than a little bit of expansion so we can understand your character and relate to her better, she's pretty cute!

You also have a little bit of a formatting issue where your lines break a little oddly, that could just be my computer though.

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We also have a pony called Lily...spelled Lilly. We do NOT however have a pony named Waterlily or Daylily.

A few things I would wonder if I were RPing with your character. What influenced her life to make her love animals always? We're lead to believe that many Pegasi prefer to not be on the ground? Do we know anything about her family? Maybe her mom or dad has an injury that keeps the entire family grounded? Why is she so stubborn? Does she have a sibling who tells her she can't do anything, overprotective parents or a slightly bossy friend? How did she become both an animal helper and a cloud mover at such an early age? Is she in some kind of apprentice program for either of these things, or does she just do them basically for fun and make it more important in her mind?

Other than a little bit of expansion so we can understand your character and relate to her better, she's pretty cute!

You also have a little bit of a formatting issue where your lines break a little oddly, that could just be my computer though.

No, I just did half the app on NotePad and didn't bother expanding the window :P

And.. good point about the job - I was referring to the job she'll have when she's older. Better add that to my app, as well as 3/4 of the other stuff you suggested.

Oh, and i'll change her name to Waterlily.

Also, she had always been fascinated with the ground and ground animals from up from the sky because it seemed almost like a whole new world (got to change her origin!) to her. Her family.. well, I'll add that in, along with everything else.

Edit: Finished.

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