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[Dragon] Oasis [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Name: Oasis

Sex: Male

Age: Baby (Around Spike's age)

Species: Sky dragon

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: Beige

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Underneath he is light blue, scales are blue too.

Physique: Average

Origin/Residence: Ended up in a pet store. That's all he can remember. He was raised there by the shop-pony, who he was very close to, as she fed, cared for, and housed him. he was like her son, or younger brother. Until another dragon came along and all she cared for was him, leaving Oasis lonely and hungry. He decided to escape, to find another caring companion, that wouldn't throw him away.

Occupation: trying to find an owner/companion

Motivation: to find a sibling-like pony to love and asssist, to discover his real origin

Likes: Flying fast, experimenting, curiousity, quests, adventures, doing flying tricks

Dislikes: untrutworthy ponies, the dark, walking

Character Summary: He has no job, no owner, and has to scrounge for food off of good-hearted ponies. His goal at the moment is to find a kind owner, who he can stick with and love. He wanders the streets of canterlot alone, nothing to do, knowing no-one.

He was once a very talkative dragon, until the replacement dragon came to the shop. Being abandonded knocked his confidence and thus he now talks little, keeps his head down and tries not to get in the way.

He likes Canterlot. It's a nice place, filled with cafes and food stores, which are easy to steal from. Oasis doesn't enjoy stealing food, he has a heart of gold, but everyone's gotta eat... right?

A desire in the back of his mind has been there for as long as Oasis can recall. A wish to discover where he came from, before the pet shop. A real mother, brothers, sisters? Where were they now? Did that shop-pony steal him away from his mother? Was she... furious or sad or not even bothered?

His mind was constantly filled with questions, as he is a bright, curious dragon, but nobody could answer certain questions. He should have to find out himself somehow.

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We have a cute beginning here but I would like to hear more about him by more fleshing out of his personality. As a baby dragon is he older or younger or around the same age as Spike, and if so what prevents him from speaking? What was his relationship like with the shop-pony, was he just another pet to sell to ponies (which may cause suspicion), a personal pet, or someone raised almost like a child or an assistant (similar to how Twilight raised Spike). What made him decide to escape? The reason I ask these questions is because it would help go a long ways towards fleshing out his personality and motivations. I understand he won't have any complex desires being young, but one should have a solid base to start with so to have a richer RP experience with him and to grow him as a character.

His origin of course can be revealed in the RP, and I understand why that wasn't show in the app. I am curious though, does he ever think about where he came from or have a desire to discover his origin, it may add another plot hook for him for future RPs. :)

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