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[Earth Pony] Ambrose [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Name: Ambrose

Sex: Male

Age: Colt

Species:Earth Pony

Eye Color: Amber

Coat Color:Beige

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Both his mane and tail are dark brown in color. The mane is somewhat unkempt and shaggy, but it falls into place nicely enough by itself that it doesn't need constant trimming. His tail reached down past his fetlocks. His body has no mundane markings.

Physique:Somewhat stocky and on the bigger side, built like a work horse.

Cutie Mark: A skep (traditional dome-shaped beehive)

Origin/Residence: Fillydelphia/Ponyville

Occupation: Beekeeper

Motivation: Ambrose hopes to make enough money so that he might be able to support himself, and eventually support his parents as well (up to and including getting them into a better house). He's passionate about what he does, finding pleasure in the act of beekeeping itself, and takes pride in just how much utility honey and bees have (honey, wax, pollination, etc.)

Likes: Honey, staying physically active, going for walks through the woods.

Dislikes:Having nothing to do, laziness, brussell sprouts

Character Summary: Ambrose was born to a pair of poor, but comfortably-living earth ponies. His father, a dark brown stallion named Steadfast and his mother, a yellow mare named Gardenseed, owned a small farm on the edge of Fillydelphia.

The farm was too small and understaffed to grow anything commercially, so Steadfast and Gardenseed stuck to growing only a small sustinence garden so that they might be able to feed themselves. Since the farm made no money, Steadfast did his best to make a living as a carpenter while Gardenseed worked at a florist's shop, something she had to stop when Ambrose was born so that she might raise her foal.

With only Steadfast's job to support the family, money was tight. As poor as they were when it came to money, however, they were rich when it came to family. Ambrose grew up with at least one parent around him at all times, and as such, having to go to school and being separate from the both of them was a trying time for him. It wasn't that he didn't want to socialize with the other foals, because he did; he was just too shy to really put himself out there and make friends. Luckily for him, a few foals were more than happy to reach out to him, keeping Ambrose from being friendless.

Almost as soon as he was old enough to go to school, Ambrose wanted to help at home with the garden, their source of food. However, despite his mother's gardening talents, Ambrose witnessed the garden's produce getting weaker and weaker with every harvest. He saw the worries that arose in his parents, and knew that he had to help... he just didn't know how. It wasn't until he saw a honeybee, a tiny little creature that he had mostly ignored up until that point, traveling from flower to flower. Curious, the young foal observed the bee's behavior. He then watched other bees, any bee that he could find and follow without upsetting it. It didn't take him long to come up with an idea.

Using one of his father's smoking pipes, the young Ambrose located a wild beehive on the edge of the farm and sedated the creatures with a few puffs of the foul-smelling stuff. He had no idea if such a thing would work, but he noticed that mosquitoes and other pests always left his father alone when he worked, just so long as the smoke was coming out of the pipe. Fortunately for his unstung hide, the trick worked like a charm and the bees were calmed, allowing Ambrose to transport the branch on which the hive was placed closer to the garden. From there, he could only wait and hope that the bees did their work. The next morning, the garden was in full bloom, and the bees were buzzing from flower to flower, pollinating all the plants. That harvest was the most plentiful the family had in years, and Ambrose knew he had found his calling.

The foal ran to the library of Fillydelphia, reading up on everything he knew about beekeeping and running a bee farm, which he learned was also called an apiary. He found blueprints for the wooden hives most beekeepers used and asked his father to help him build them, something which Steadfast gladly agreed to. In just a month's time, Ambrose was tending over a whole beehive all by himself, and was the proud owner of a cutie mark in the shape of a beehive, signifying his passion and future occupation.

When he had become a rugged young colt, Ambrose left his modest home by train to find a suitable location for his apiary, supported only by some meager savings he had made by selling honey to his neighbors and a few small donations from his parents. While he considered many options, he finally decided on Ponyville for a few reasons. While the inner part of town seemed to be rather busy, there were more than a few rural locations along the outskirts of town, plenty of room to set up his hives and maybe even a rudimentary cabin. There was an apple farm and a bakery, both of which he hoped might be able to make use of his bees and honey. Finally, with such a decent population, there seemed to be little to no competition for the honey business in town.

He had never truly shaken himself from his introvert habits, and so Ambrose did his best to avoid too much social interaction as he set himself up on the edge of town. Beekeeping didn't require him to be around anybody but his beloved bees, but if he wanted to make any money, he'd have to enter town itself and begin selling his wares. Placing his trusty fisherman's cap on his head and stocking up the wooden cart his father had built for him, Ambrose set out for the town square to make a living.

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