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Starlet Shine (Starlet) [Final]


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Name: Starlet Shine

Nickname/Alias(es): Starlet/Star

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Age: Foal


Pelt Color: White

Mane/Tail Color and Style: Blonde and Pink

Eye Color: Magenta

Cutie Mark: Blank flank

Other Scars/Markings: Freckles on her cheeks

Physique: Thin


Current Residence: Manehattan

Job: School Student / Theatre

Mother: Modelle (Unicorn)

Father: Edner Tainer (Earth)

Sibling(s): None

Closest Friends: None

Courting/Courted By: Not interested


~ Likes: She enjoys reading and writing all forms of literature and art, including fantasy stories, poems, songs, and even play writes. Starlet also enjoys acting and singing to crowds.

~ Dislikes: She doesn't like to perform active duties, and in that case being dirty. She also doesn't like ponies that act rude to others.

~ Motivation: Starlet is inspired by none other than her own parents to become the best diva Equestria has ever known.

~ Strengths: Her biggest strength is her incredible ability to cheer up others despite her own personal feelings and also has quite an impressive knack at words (written and verbal) despite her very young age. Highly intelligent and believes in family values, thus being extremely loyal and giving to her friends and to those who need it.

~ Weaknesses/Flaws: Despite her nice attitude, Starlet can easily get hot headed and sometimes temporarily forget her inner morality. She's also somewhat lazy despite being thin due to her parents luxurious living ways. Starlet also absolutely despises all forms of filth and would absolutely refuse to step a hoof in mud.

~ Fears: Her biggest fear is of bugs, especially spiders. Germs are another and so is being completely alone. She is afraid of the dark but can sometimes overcome it.

~ Overall Persona: Starlet is very easy going and always putting out a smile even if she doesn't feel the same inside. Despite her appearance she is also quite smart and rather complex due to living in Manehattan. Though she has been surrounded by the city life since birth she one days wishes to travel out into the country side.


Starlet is the young foal daughter of a somewhat famous actor/playwright and actress who mainly reside in Manehattan and own their own local theatre known as "The Mane Cast". However her parents also travel with their own troupe of actors across all of Equestria often, sometimes taking her with them and actually letting her preform small roles in their plays. This has allowed Starlet to learn many things during her travels and has made her become quite social to everypony. Whenever Starlet is forced to remain in Manehattan (due to school) she is babysat by the other more inexperienced actors that help watch over her parent's theatre while they are away. The most closest of these is an actress filly named Rubina Twinkle who is almost like a sister to her, and teaches her how to be more in touch with her feminine side and how to act well mannered around others.

Living in this manner, especially in a city such as Manehattan, Starlet has quickly learned to be independent by herself. This also makes her more intelligent and more fluent than most other foals her age. When she's not being taught special lessons by her parents she spends alot of her time reading the literature arts. This includes poems, plays, and even musical lyrics. All of this together has not only increased her love for the theatre arts even more but also taught her a rather complex way of speech for a foal her age. By understanding the literature's ability to manipulate one's emotions she hopes to spread happiness all across Equestria with her own plays and songs in her parent's footsteps. By being more in-tune with her emotions, Starlet is also gifted with the ability to easily sympathize with others and will always aim to help other ponies in need despite her own current agendas.

Starlet being still very young, also has yet to acquire a Cutie Mark and uses this as an even deeper motivation to master her artistic talents in a deep desire to live a luxurious life as a diva. Hoping for her symbol to be in either acting, writing, or singing she is constantly practicing all day and night. Sometimes this causes Starlet to become very drowsy and cranky some days and is a little unruly but in the end always tries to be the most kindhearted pony she can be.

Still being in school, Starlet is limited to being confined in Manehattan though aspires to travel to Ponyville sometime and share her talents among the ponies that live there.

Magic Ability

Although Starlet was born as a unicorn and as such gifted with the ability to use magic, she never really used it nor really had any real interest to. However sometimes under extreme emotion her horn glows and strange but lucky things seem to happen...

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