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Bronies and Furries

Sterling Point

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Yes, I am a brony and a furry all in one.

And like many furs, I've watched MLP:FIM take places like FA by storm.

The local furs know I am a brony, but last night at a local event, I found out two furs that I never would have guessed, were bronies as well.

I also had a few blame me for their new obsession with the show.

And nothing quite beats making someone giggle into their beer when I start singing 'Giggle at the Ghostie'. :)

So if your local furs know you are a brony, what have their reactions been like?

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Yes, I am a brony and a furry all in one.

And like many furs, I've watched MLP:FIM take places like FA by storm.

The local furs know I am a brony, but last night at a local event, I found out two furs that I never would have guessed, were bronies as well.

I also had a few blame me for their new obsession with the show.

And nothing quite beats making someone giggle into their beer when I start singing 'Giggle at the Ghostie'. :lol:

So if your local furs know you are a brony, what have their reactions been like?

Well my friends, furfans or not, have all reacted in one of three ways:

1) Hooray! Guess what dude... *inches closer* I'm a bronie toooo...

2) Heh, alright.. whatever.

3) WTF Seriously!? That's weird bro..but hey, whatever you are into man.

No friends, fandom or not, have given me any real hassle over it. One artist friend joked "so do they give you makup and dress tips too!? LOL!", only to later state on his journal that he was happy I was willing to "admit to loving FiM" and that he found them endearing as well. Best single reaction I got was from the friend who walked into my room, saw the FiM collection on the self and exclaimed "My Little Pony! WTF! Jesus!", but even he seemed generally fine with it, even if he thinks I am a little weird, lol.

On FA I guess its a little obvious from the Rarity icon, and some journal posts where I basically admit to it, and I haven't lost anyone over it, so *shrugs*.

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