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Dusk Twister [Final]


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Roleplay type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Dusk Twister

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion (around 19-21)

Species: Pegasus

Eye color: light blue

Coat color: Dark blue

Mane/Tail/Markings color: Mohican style mane and a long shaggy tail both a mix of yellow and black, has white freckles on his left cheek

Physique: average height, but quite skinny

Cutie mark: Dusk's cutie mark is a white tornado

Origin/Residence: Was born in Trottingham, spent much of his early life in Cloudsdale at Flight school, he now travels around Equestria never staying in one place for too long in case of emergency's

Occupation: Self-proclaimed "forest warden" (Weather control/Guide/Rescuer)

Motivation: To try and make sure that everypony is safe even if it means getting himself in danger

Likes: Helping everypony, studying the movement of the stars, being efficient

Dislikes: interference while he's working, being spoiled, ponies who take everything for granted

Character summary: Dusk was born in Trottingham as part of a relatively poor family, learning to live on the basic necessities Dusk learned to appreciate what he was given making him a lot more modest compared to some ponies. His parents owned a small herbal shop where selling different herbal remedy's and other similar products thanks to them Dusk learned a lot about all the different types of flora around Equestria showing a good interest in it all trying to learn as much as he could. as time went on he started to become more of a social recluse preferring to tend to the plants his parents grew and study obscure subjects that didn't seem relevant to non rural ponies, seeing this his parents started to get worried about him and decided it would be better for him to be around other pegasi they managed to get Dusk accepted into Flight school

Upon arriving at flight school Dusk didn't have a great start getting bullied for being unsocial which made it even worse, it was only when one of his teachers noticed what was going on and decided to stop the bullying that dusk started to try and make friends and though slow at first he soon began to come out of his shell getting his own group of friends.While at Flight school Dusk took a great interest in learning about all the different weather patterns and how the slightest change could harm the ecosystem, due to his interest in pants this made him want to make sure that there would always be weather that was good enough for the plants to survive and grow.

Dusk got his cutie mark during a class in Flight school, they were learning about different flying techniques and them attempting to putting them into practice near Cloudsdale when a group of students trying to perform a group maneuver accidently went too far and creating a small tornado and trapping themselves, while the others were frantically discussing what to do next Dusk decided to take the situation into his own hands and flew towards the tornado. Using his knowledge of tornado's Dusk successfully navigated his way through finding the trapped ponies and leading them back via a safer route his cutie mark appearing as he got them out

Finishing Flight school with high grade all around Dusk took an interest in helping ponies where he could mostly in Equestria's wilder areas earning a reputation over time he began to realize that he might of found his calling just by being a good guy, taking to calling himself a "forest warden" he now travels around Equestria giving help wherever it is needed regardless of the consequences or who needs the help.

Dusk has a great interest in the night sky and everything astronomical, staying up some nights just staring at the stars, he frequently wishes he could fly up into space rather than be limited by his physical capability's, he also has a strong sense of justice wanting to keep everywhere a better place and frequently taking the law into his own hands.

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