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About myself.: I would like to think of myself as somewhat new to the world of FiM (though I've seen every episode) only because I just heard of it, say, a week ago. The very first moment I saw it I was intoxicated! After that, I became a junky of sorts, not stopping until I was finished. I am a musician from the USA hoping to travel to Japan one day, and a teenager at that! I really am in love with the idea of being in love (you know, still waiting for the one) but I always ahead of the curve in my school; everyone else was so immature! I am just really glad I will be able to learn and grow from you guys!

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I searched forums on google!

How did you became a fan of FiM?: I actually heard about the show through people bashing it, so I gave it a look and got hooked the instance I saw it!

My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

Long story of how I met FiM: It was a boring afternoon and my friend and I were bored out of our wits! So we decided to pay a visit to funnyjunk(dot)com. Their humor is rather...

rather immature, but my friend liked it so I didn't complain. Eventually, we came upon a post regarding FiM. I was interested, not knowing what it was at the time, but also didn't want to seem childish in front of my friend, so I waited for him to leave and delved into it! From episode one I was hooked on this beautiful show! Yes, it may be a tad childish, but that's what gives it its magic! Besides it being hilarious and entertaining, it also carries a moral message in EVERY episode. However, once I finished all of the episodes I could find, I craved more. So I sought a place to discuss this wonderful show, thus this post! Thank you guys very much and I wish good will and happiness unto you!

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About myself.: I LOVES me shy peopl!

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Google

How did you became a fan of FiM?: I actually heard about the show through people bashing it, so I gave it a look and got hooked the instance I saw it!

My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

I TOTALLY forgot to mention in my older post: I ADORE SHY PEOPLE! (which is why I adore Fluttershy) But seriously, in Naruto, I was INSANE every time Hinata took the screen! Just thought It would be worth mentioning! Not to troll or anything! (that is the worst thing I would think that I can do) Please forgive me if I'm breaking some rule for posting twice like this!!!

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Guest EoLPinkie

Got it :D I think this is the first time someone has added ME as a friend before I've even welcomed them! So happy I could just take a Celestia cannon to the moon and back! Weeeeeeeeeelcome to Canterlot! I just know you'll find so many ponies to be your friend here. I have! I hope you like smiles, because oatmeal. If you'd like to hear my welcome song, the cost is one giggle and a joke I can tell to everyone! Also, check out my Element of Laughter blog if you get the chance! Who knows, you may just be my next pony friend of the day! Welcome again!

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Got it :D I think this is the first time someone has added ME as a friend before I've even welcomed them! So happy I could just take a Celestia cannon to the moon and back! Weeeeeeeeeelcome to Canterlot! I just know you'll find so many ponies to be your friend here. I have! I hope you like smiles, because oatmeal. If you'd like to hear my welcome song, the cost is one giggle and a joke I can tell to everyone! Also, check out my Element of Laughter blog if you get the chance! Who knows, you may just be my next pony friend of the day! Welcome again!

Thank you for the kind welcome! I'll try to get situated with the site as soon as possible! Nice to know there are still people in the world as cheery as you!

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Welcome to Canterlot, Starlight!

I think you've made the right choice by not listening to what the loud-mouthed haters say.

This place is as spectacular as the community. :D

Also, I gotta admit that it's usually the shy ones that catch my eye. ;)

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Hi there! I'm a little later than usual with my welcome, but here it is! (Also, I merged your Introduction posts together. :) )

I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot.com. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash: You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the site.

There's hopefully something for everypony around here! If you're looking to meet new Bronies, a good place to do that is the Chat Room & live roleplay. The Creativity section is the place for artists, musicians, and writers! Oh, and what kind of forum would this be without the MLP Discussion area, hmm?

If you're looking to Roleplay, check the Canterlot RP Rules and the Applicaton Form. Unless you're going for the FiM Free-For-All section, then you don't need either of those things! :D But if you're going for Equestria Crossovers RP, you just need the Application Form, then you can make your crazy cool pony! The Equestria Mane RP, which is a really cool Roleplay area, requires you to read both the Canterlot RP Rules and the Applicaton Form.

Wow, that's a lot of links! :o Feel free to explore the site yourself at your own pace, and let myself or one of the other staff know if you have any questions.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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