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Hi! I am kinda new.


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About myself.: I personally like heavy metal,punk and Dota games.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: the google thingy

How did you became a fan of FiM?: After wondering why every one is so mad about it.

My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

Hi there,

I am Lordeternal,LordDeminos what ever you like to call me.

I first started watching My Little Pony after frequint threads about it on LOL forum. At first i ignored it for a quite long time until 15 December when i was like,"O wait the heck what bad can it do when i see what the fuss is about." After watching a few episodes, I was addicted. It was strange for me at first since I was accustomed to dark fantay, Epic fantasy and such sort. All thing I don't like about the show is..... the intro >.<, well to be honest i listen to kind off dark fast music like Avenged Sevenfold and Nighwish, so i guess it comes from the style of music i listen to.I like to draw usually dark things like grim reapers..... through i have been drawing ponies recently and found it quite challenging.Anyways i like stalking the forum before i register so i get a good idea of it community, and i find this comminuty quite possitive and respectfull - other then league of legends (o the tryndamere op posts.....).

With regard Lordeternal.

ps. My english isn't that good since I am Afrikaans, so escuse my bad grammer.

Edited by LordEternal
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Thanks, I am also into RPGing so i might do that soon enough.

Well, that'll be nice! It's always good to see another roleplayer joining in.

I may do some RP'ing in the future but since I have zero experience in RP'ing, I just don't feel comfortable doing it.

Everyone has to start sometime. Noone is perfect on their first time. Just take it slow, ask for help when you need it, and most importantly, just have fun with it. Just imagine it being a story being written by multiple writers. You'll get the hang of it evenually. :)

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot.com. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

There's hopefully something for everypony around here! If you're looking to meet new Bronies, a good place to do that is the Chat Room & live roleplay. The Creativity section is the place for artists, musicians, and writers! Oh, and what kind of forum would this be without the MLP Discussion area, hmm?

If you're looking to Roleplay, check the Canterlot RP Rules and the Applicaton Form. Unless you're going for the FiM Free-For-All section, then you don't need either of those things! :D But if you're going for Equestria Crossovers RP, you just need the Application Form, then you can make your crazy cool pony! The Equestria Mane RP, which is a really cool Roleplay area, requires you to read both the Canterlot RP Rules and the Applicaton Form.

Wow, that's a lot of links! :o Feel free to explore the site yourself at your own pace, and let myself or one of the other staff know if you have any questions.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Guest EoLPinkie

Holy moly there's a lot of new ponies! I've never seen so many at once! Weeeeeeeeeeeeelcome to Canterlot! You started on FiM from a League forum? Me too! FeralPony posted a Rainbow Dash meme and I was gone. Hooves to the ground, head in Cloudsdale, rainbooms in my eyes! Woo! I'm your pony guide to fun! I'm so glad to make another friend! If you ever need singing, laughing, dancing, or pranks, I'm your pony in arms! :D Send me a message any time about anything, especially a joke if you have one! I'll see you soon!

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