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Elementum [FInal]


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Role-play Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Elementum

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye Colour: Green

Base colour: Sky Blue

Mane/Tail colour: Brown

Physique: Medium height

Cutie mark: North Star (See description)

Origin: Snowy mountains of the Borderlands

Motivation: To learn magic that represents nature.

Likes: Learning, new food, water, sport.

Dislikes: Feeling stupid, Failure in learning new spells.



Elementum was born in the snowy mountains of Equestria, he lived with his parents until recent, they were secluded away from society, this was down to wanting to raise there children them self with out the pressure of society up on them or there foals. His father being a pegasis and his mother a Unicorn, would often travel down the mountain to work and bring back food, during there absence Elementum would stay at home.

Being born in the cold, and learning to cope with it from a young age, Elementum has build up somewhat of a resistance to cold the coldness and this only increased when learning cold related magic.

His parents never took them with him, they wanted him to grow more independent and find his own way in life with out worrying about the needs that society brings like money and such. He was not there first child, he had two older siblings before him how ever they too left home when they came of age, and this was shortly after he was born, having no memory's of them Elementum has only ever known his Mother and Father, not even wildlife ventured near his home.

From a young age Elementum often fount him self bored, with a few books about equestrian history and magic and the house only containing the essentials such as a kitchen and bedrooms and not being one to cook Elementum would often just wonder around his home, not straying too far but not far enough to find anything more then snow ad ice.

Being a unicorn like his mother Elementum took this as a way to keep him occupied, his mother was fairly well learned in magic, and at his request she taught him some basic environment spells, mainly to do with water and thus snow & ice. Because of his surroundings Elementum never had to worry about the lack of resources to practice with, often coming up with new spells him self out of boredom to keep him occupied.

The spells he used were that to manipulate water, this allowed him to also control the ice and snow often leading to make shift items such as sled, models and various other simple items. Even at his request he was ever allowed to venture down with his parents they warned him of danger mostly to keep him at bay then actual danger, so he never got a chance to do any jobs that you would commonly find even the cooking was all done by his parents the only thing he had to do was study and find ways to keep him self occupied. Of course with his two siblings they had each other, so his parents were happy thinking that like them Elementum would find ways to think of new things to do, how ever being only one this was very hard to do.



Now being of age like his siblings before him, Elementum has been given permission by his parents to leave home. After being dropped off at the bottom of the mountain by his father and mother, and a short but sweet farewell from them both, he set's out in to the world. He knew nothing of the outside world, or what to expect other them from what he has read. His main goal is to find a place to live, currently living off supplies he left with, and making makeshift shelters from ice.

Traveling down the borders, from the Borderlands down through Raptorclaw canyon, sticking close to the mountains due to the water and snow near the peaks, Elementum eventually fount him self in Fillydelphia. Completing odd jobs there, still taking shelter with his own resources on the borders, and using the money he earns to replenish his food, he carried on after hearing about Ponyville. Going from almost isolation to a bustling place like Fillydelphia was not very appealing to Elementum, if not scary. So the appeal of Ponyville being that of a much more peaceful, a better way to build up a life if anything sounded like a much better option.

Eventually reaching Ponyville one faithful night thanks to the directions he was given, and the aid of pony's he had met on the way, Elementum once more set up a makeshift home, knowing that the next day he would need to venture in to Ponyville and finally start his life.



Due to never being around any other pony’s other then his parents, or having to worry about the well being of others, Elementum is somewhat courageous enough to try new things out, but not to go against the horrible dangers his parents spoke about.

Being alone means that he has become very self reliant when it comes to entertainment, also increasing his creativity as well as skills to do with survival. This also led to him questioning many things, though he had a few books to read about matters on, he never felt contempt with the answers his parents gave him, even to go as far as trying to trick them in to giving him answers thus making him somewhat sly.



As stated in his attempts to find things to do, he has accidentally become quite skilled in some manual aspects. He has great had eye coordination due to the games he would even regarding catching and throwing + targets. He has a good amount of energy, often pushing him self when it comes to learning magic thus increasing both physical and mental endurance. He has great control of water magic, how ever that is primarily the only magic he knows.



As you know by now, Elementum's main and somewhat only know magic is that of controlling water, this includes manipulating the shape of it, turning it to ice and being apple to shape the ice into objects. Though he can control water to the point of moving it through the air, he does not actually know much about telekinesis, ever having to learn to move anything other then water/snow he has ever build it up.

In the latest years he has been able to control the water vapour in the air to a small extent, with enough focus he can create small amount of water from the air to create smaller objects, however in order to do anything large such as creating greater objects, he has to have some form of water near by.


Cutie Mark

His cutie mark is the North star. The star represents history and creativity, as well as a symbol of guidance to show his path in the unknown world, how ever it also represents his isolation, the north star sometimes being the only visible star in the night sky shows this as well as builds up on the guidance aspect.



Feedback & Comments are appreciated.

Any additional information please request. Any thing wrong with this please state so I can correct.

Thank you to Xiee & BrambleRose.

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Why doesn't he have a cutie mark again? Sorry if I'm being slow :lol:

Other than that, looks fine to me ^_^

Tales is is a lot better at critique than me... I'm sure he'll be along shortly :)

Because he has lived in pretty much isolation his entire life, and only started to learn magic because of his parents, he has never had a chanse to try anything new, or put the magic to any real practcale use.

Note: sorry I though I included that, I have added it on the the 3rd paragraph, thank you for pointing that out :)

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Reading over the application, I feel it has all the basic elements and is almost ready, although it just needs a few tweaks. The first is fixing some of the grammar in the sentences so people will understand them better when reading. For the following sentences of yours, I put the correct words or grammar in parentheses next to the error:

"Being a uciorn (unicorn) like his mother, Elementum took this as a way to keep him occupied, his mother was fairly well learnt(learned) i(in) magic, and at his request she taught him some basic environment spells, mainly to do with water (and) thus sow(snow) & ice."

"Elementum is some what(somewhat) courage's(courageous) enough to try new things out, but not to go against the horrible dangers his parents spoke about."

"This includes manipulating the shape of it, Turing(turning) it to ice and being apple(able) to shape the ice into objects."

"In the latest years he has been able to control the water vapor i(in) the air to a small extent, with enough focus he can create small amount of water from the air to create smaller objects, how ever(however) in order to do anything large(greater,) such as creating larger objects(,) he has to have some form of water near by."

"His cutie mark is the north star(North Star). The star represents history and creativity, as well as a symbol of guidance to show his path in the unknown world.

How ever(However) it also represents his isolation, the north star(North Star) sometimes being the only visible star in the night sky shows this as well as builds up o(<-- Not sure what this is supposed to be) the guidance aspect."


It should be noted that in the start of the application have listed "none" as his cutie mark, but later you describe what his cutie mark is, so that first part will need to change in order to remove the contradiction. Also you mention he is a stallion, and thus an adult, but it wasn't clear: Has he left his mountain home; if so, what will he do now, if not, why is he staying (unlike his siblings who you indicated, left, when they came of age).

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