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Saxum [Final]


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Name: Saxum (Literal translation means a rock or stone, in latin) Named such by his parents, who expected him, as they did, to end up with a stone related vocation. The name still stands though, despite his choice of career, as his colouring is not dissimilar to that of flint, or certain other stones.

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Pelt Color: Simple shades of brown. (See picture for details)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Reddish brown, medium length and somewhat scruffy.

Eye Color: Orange

Cutie Mark: A crescent, or mostly eclipsed moon, with a red rose in the centre.

Physique: Medium-strong build, fairly normal for a male pony.

Origin: Bareback Gulch

Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Occupation: Travelling florist/herbalist

Motivation: To grow and share flowers with everyone who appreciates them as much as he does. He also enjoys the study of herbs and herbal remedies because he gets to help other ponies.

Likes: Flowers, plants, peace and quiet, green lush landscapes, and being free to go wherever he wants

Dislikes: Cities, crowds, staying in one place too long.

Character Summary: Originally from the borderlands, born during a full eclipse of the moon in the settlement of bareback gulch. He was raised there by his parents, who both worked as miners in the town, faithfully staying through the ups and downs of the economy. He was expected to become the same as they, but for some reason, when he came of age to get his cutie mark, no matter what the efforts made to encourage it into being something related to mining, it just wouldn't happen. Time passed, and in the barren, sandy landscape of the town, Eclipse found himself growing bored... he felt something was missing. So, with permission from those he loved, he left his home to try and find whatever it was he was looking for.

He wandered Equestria for a while, until he finally found himself in the heartland of Equestria, or, more specifically, the outskirts of the Ponyville area. Here he saw, for the first time in his life, masses of flowers... all colours and shapes. He had never seen anything like it, and it took him no time at all to start learning about them. By asking around the town, he quickly found out more about them than he ever had in the desert, with their limited ability to grow flowers. He managed to find a job easily enough, helping other ponies out with their gardens, learning all the time. During this time, he selected a patch of land just outside the town and gained permission to have it as his own. Rather than building himself a home, he made do with a simple tent, and spent his effort cultivating plants that he collected from the wild and planted there. The morning that his first ever rose bush bloomed, his cutie mark appeared, a rose, the same as the one he had grown, but with a crescent moon surrounding it, representing the eclipse that he was born under. Since then he has spent his time mostly travelling, searching for seeds and cuttings of rare and interesting flowers, and trading them. As such, he's a bit of a scruffy looking traveller most of the time, but he cleans up well when he stops off home in Ponyville or visits Bareback Gulch. He's not very well known though, even though he is growing in skill as a herbalist, because he spends so much time between towns, he hasn't had much time to bond with anypony.

To Summarise that simply, he's a wanderer who owns a small patch of land outside Ponyville, which he does notspend much time in, usually he's off looking for seeds/plants or customers.

Pictures: (Hope these work! Might have to tweak to get them working]

His messy/dirty (During travel) self:


And his neat (Staying in a town) self:


[[i hope all this is okay, this is my first shot at this D: I checked everything and read all the rules, but I always get nervous the first time I do this on a new forum!]]

[[EDIT: name changed to something more appropriate!]]

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For Roleplay Type, you can just put Mane RP. Also, your Likes and Dislikes run together, so you may want to fix that.

Name: Saxum (Literal translation means a rock or stone, in latin) Named such by his parents, who expected him, as they did, to end up with a stone related vocation.
Born on a full eclipse of the moon, he was named based on that.

Did you forget to remove this second bit? Since Saxum means rock, I'm not sure how that relates to the eclipse. If I'm missing something, please clarify.

Other than that, a surprisingly good Application for a newbie. :)

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Ah yes, sorry, my bad, his name WAS Eclipse until it struck me how... unimaginative that was for him, instead I shall make the eclipse thing part of his character as it develops. Let me just fix that ^_^ I guess I forgot that bit was added in!

...Aaaand there we go ^_^ Fixed.

Also, thanks for your kind words ^_^ It's probably because I'm an old hand at RPing, so I know the way character creation on this kind of forum works ^_^

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