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I want My Little Pony bangs...


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I totally misinterpereted the title at first. :P

Well, I'm not one for artifically colored hair... As for hair style... Well... I think what I have now is what I want to keep.

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All depends on how comfortable with yourself you are. I have a friend who looks like a huge, though metalhead dude. he totally dyes his hair pink and wears unicorn shirts on occasion.

Now the unicorn shirts I wouldn't mind.

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I did Dye my Hair Bright Blue a few years back, I'm not a Punk neither did I want to do some Statement or whatever... I just felt like it would be fun and I went to a convention without having any cosplay in a group of cosplayers, to not be left out I just dyed my hair Blue... I left it like that for 2 months though xD

anyway I just noticed most of the Stallions in MLP seem to have rather Longish Hair compared to the Hairstyles you would see in reality ^^ I like xD

I think I qualify as one of those stallions :P. And in all technicality all I'd need to do is do my bangs and I could easily make my hair like AJ. I would not do such a thing though. I like my hair the way it is, and until I join the military I won't be making any drastic changes.

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