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Ponies & Dragons - Episode 1: A Tail of Two Cities


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"You pick the restaurant or should I?" Usually he isn't so brazen with the fillies, but what the hay. It's downtime between stabbings. And besides, the typical instances of him charming the fair ones are when the mare is between a safe full of goodies and his sticky hooves. So, at worst, this is good practice. Ah, the life of the daring outlaw. Bramble Rose, eat your heart out.

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Bramble gave a low, appreciative whistle. "Most impressive, Curtain," he said, unable to help but be impressed. "With those skills, I'm amazed I've never heard of you on the scene. My mother attends the theatre quite often." He grinned, deepened his voice a little, filled his lungs, tilted his head back, and recited, "What life an actor be? / To take of mists and starstuff, of dreams and fantasy, and weave of them a tapestry. / To give life to unliving souls, and craft worlds that before were naught, / to live a hundred lifetimes, to inspire, to shine, to be worshipped / It is very much like a god on stage." He grinned just a little bit. "I know, not up to your standards, I was just part of theatre in high school and college ... your own experience is obviously far more extensive ... but where did you learn all those handy skills for adventuring?"

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What was once a simple clearing of the throat became a violent hacking cough for a moment or two. The shock was too great. Maybe Curtain Call has completely lost track of what blatant lies he's been telling about himself. Or maybe (and this is purely speculation on his part) Ironmane was covering for him? He couldn't tell. He was also not used to being beaten to the punch when it comes to fabricating a back story. Still, one of his go-to rules is sticking to the story so he responded to the big girl with a casual and faux-confident "You have been paying attention." To Bramble, he added "Ma and Pa were actors by trade, in a traveling stage cart. Though, when the audience wasn't giving out the coin they could have, some adventuring on the side kept their baby boy strong and fed. I loved them dearly." There was tenderness in his voice just then.

His confidence was in full swing once again when he observed the pretty blue mare apparently notorious for make-out parties shy away from him. He's still got it. He tossed her one last wink to seal the deal. Either she would consider him a cassa nova or a full-on creeper.

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Curtain Call's was the only expression to resemble frustration. This whole 'Innocent lives in danger' scenario was souring him greatly at this point. He had things to accomplish! He couldn't be wasting his time with every single damsel in distress. How did the actual heroes manage this nonsense day after day without dipping into the cider a little more than they should? The jaded pony rolled jade eyes, knowing full well that his team would be charging into the fray. Might as well beat them to it. He galloped towards the commotion, already barking orders.

"Miss Ali! We'll need eyes in the sky!"

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A door opens and smoke billows out of the large cottage, a very large stallion steps out of the shack, coughing as small creatures escape their cages and flee away from the cottage. He has long brown hair that covers his eyes, and is very dirty. It smells as if he hasn't bathed for days, but he wears a softer expression than you'd expect one of his size to have. He reaches down and picks up a few of the animals by the scruffs and places them gently back into cages. Soon the smoke begins to die down and the flow from the door stops. A window is opened from the roof and the remainder of the smoke billows out slowly. He leaves his door open while he pulls a tray of Rock-cakes out of his oven. Nearby is a box of Rock-cake mix, which lists their tag line of "Looks like a rock, Tastes like a rock, with all the nutrients you'd find in two bowls of total."

He sits down in a chair and grabs one off of the hot plate, fumbling with the hot gray piece as it falls onto the ground, crumbling into a few pieces, which he picks up after a few moments, dusts off, and then bites into with a large crunch, and strained jaw motions.

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Bramble Rose sighs and shakes his head, following after the others, unconcerned. At least, until he sees the cute lil' fluffy animals starting to scurry out of the front door. "Oh, no, not ANOTHER escape!" he groans, and quickly summons up verdant energies, sending them to blanket the area in front of the cottage. The grass grows long, cupping round the escaping creatures and binding them with the utmost care, woven grass-cages of surprising strength ... keeping them well-handled until Hagreed has a chance to recover them. At least ... assuming Hagreed wasn't trying to cook over the fire-rats again ...

"Good morning, Professor!" he calls out with a strained cheerfulness. "I see things haven't changed much since I last took your class! How've you been?"

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"EH? Oh.. just you. Wot business yeh have with meh?" he says in a booming baritone, biting down into another rock cake as he returns the animals to their cages. Some look quite crazy. There's even one that looks like a winged stick of unlit TNT... Very strange animals indeed.

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Bramble shies away from the blue ferret with bunny ears and too many legs as he goes past, shuddering in rememberance of *that* class... "Ah ... just needing some of your expertise, professor! my mother and her servant got attacked by strange creatures, vermin of a purple color. A rat and a slug, to be specific. They were able to make an invisible shield to keep us from doing anything with them, and were feeding off their life force. I was hoping you'd have heard of such creatures?"

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"Triboniophorus Tyrannus. At least, that's what the slug called itself. When it was in contact with me, anyway. It showed me... what it thought was my heart's desire. To bait me into giving it control. But I'm sorry, that's just me. You're the expert, sir. Don't mind me."

He tipped his hat in apology, hating to have interrupted but dang it, he needed to get that off his chest. Nopony bothered to ask him that night "Hey Curtain Call, is your brain still macaroni and cheese?"

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Curtain Call lifted an eyebrow. He didn't like whispering. Not one bit. The rogue's natural paranoia always sent up warning lights that any whispering in question was about him. Today, he wrote whispering off as simple girl talk, of which he would like no part. But then Ali's reaction...

"Whatever it is. I didn't do it. Nopony saw me do it. They can't prove a thing. I want a bucking lawyer."

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