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Ponies & Dragons - Episode 1: A Tail of Two Cities


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"Eh.. Purple rats with life-draining tendacies? Sounds teh me like yeh had yerself a bit o' the sauce. Now purple slugs on the udder hand.. That's different." he flips to a ruddy looking book on a small bookshelf called "The Creaturenomicon" that makes hissing noises when he opens the book. Ponyfessor Hagreed then slaps the book. "Shut yer' mouth." he tells it. He flips to a dingy looking page and passes the book to Curtain call.

After it is passed into Curtain's hands the book hisses again. But the information there is quite enlightening.

( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-bestiary/puppeteer )

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He took the tome with hesitation, pretty certain this... whatever it is would not hesitate to bite his muzzle off. Curtains felt suddenly tired upon reading the entry now that he's learned the creature's MO. As soon as he was finished with his current vow, he would make a new one: to exterminate the whole of these beasts.

"Yep. That's the one, sir. Do they just... wander about searching for targets? Or would seeing one in the city be unusual?" He asked this as a service to Bramble. That way, the little guy wouldn't have to choke himself up over this one. Not to mention privacy.

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"Normally ye can find them in a bit o' groups. They're normally either alone 'er in groups of more than two 'er so. It isn't strange ter see 'em. Just less in civ...cini.. towns. I'm shocked if ye found a few that ye didn't find a bit o' a hive of the buggers. They live in large groups a bit o' their hosts which they use for labor or sustinence. If you got rid o' them though I don't see how you would have any more problems with them. They're near impossible teh control on account o' their domination of their hosts.. So I doubt that 'yer mum was attacked on account o' someone elses medling." Hagreed says.

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Bramble Rose looks over to the two mares with a confused expression of his own. "I don't know what we're supposed to have done, either," he confessed to Curtain Call. It couldn't be something bad, or else Ironmane would have reacted more ... but Ali's reaction suggested it was something startling. And how startling a thing could he have *done* in the last couple of days? He ran over everything that had happened in his mind ... but it all seemed pretty unremarkable. Y'know, if you ignored the fights, adventure, meeting the princesses, and more fights... but none of that should be ... *startling*.

He shrugged and turned his attention back to Hagreed, peering into the book over Curtain's shoulder. He gave a grateful little smile to Curtain for having asked the question for him. "That was the slug ... but there was a rat, too. Have you heard of them ... being other than just slugs?"

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[colour=#800000]"Hmmm... It might be possible for one o' the wee slugs to change.. in which case they might act like a bit o' the creature they changed into.. I cannae say how this would happen.. 'er if it would happen fer that matter.. but that's just a bit o gobbledegook. It'd take hunerds o' years for a creature like that to change.. but if it reacted to sumpin.. eh. I dunno. It's farfetched.. and unlikely." [/colour]

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Ghosts? Curtain Call has heard stories. But that's it. Stories. Mostly cautionary, with the moral at the end involving the love of money and its grave consequences. Oh, he assumed they existed, but in the way he assumed a diamond the size of Ironmane's head existed. Never once has the living dead crossed his path and he would like to keep it that way, for two reasons. The first being those stories he's heard warn of how... troublesome a ghoul or phantom or the like can be to get rid of. None of these methods involve a knife. The second being the thought of being trapped in that kind of personal limbo himself. This Hagreed fellow was right to shutter.

In other news, the resident expert of all things fauna has more or less confirmed "accidental" as the cause of the assault last night and that was good enough for him. He waited patiently for somebody living to focus on now.

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Bramble Rose frowned a little. [colour=#800080]"Strange magic,"[/colour] he murmured thoughtfully. [colour=#800080]"We are dealing a bit with that. I hope we're not dealing with ghosts... "[/colour] He grimaced, almost to match Hagreed's expression. "[colour=#800080]Well. probably not more than a coincidence ... but a chance there's not. Best focus on other clues, unless you all can think of something else." [/colour] He smiled to Hagreed. [colour=#800080]"Thanks muchly for the knowledge, Professor."[/colour] He pondered a moment, then reluctantly asked, [colour=#800080]"Is there anything we can do for you?"[/colour]

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Bramble's smile became a bit too wide, his eyes widening slightly. [colour=#800080]"Oh, Hagreed, you know I would, but we *just* came from the cafeteria, and we couldn't eat another bite. Thank you for the generous offer, though! Gotta take off, make sure none of those purple beasties are still lurking! Search high and low!"[/colour] He backed off quickly and gestured for his friends to follow him.

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Ironmane trots up next to Bramble Rose. "[colour=#800080]I'm not sure what to make of what we heard,[/colour]" she admits. "[colour=#800080]But I hope I understood correctly in that this was likely either nothing to worry about, or a bizarre accident somehow stemming from local magical influences?[/colour]"

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Bramble let out a long, soft breath. [colour=#800080] "Well, as far as what to make of Hagreed ... he means well, and is quite knowledgable in his own field, he is simply quite the eccentric,"[/colour] the delicate purple unicorn stated in a polite and diplomatic Canterlot tone. [colour=#800080] "As for the rest, well ... I would not at all be surprised to learn that my mother's assault was no coincidence, but as it is, we are left with no manner in which to pursue it as a lead. I believe Curtain Call's ideas and expertise is our best bet towards locating the fiend."[/colour] He paused, pondering for a moment. [colour=#800080] "I think our next priority must be speaking to the palace to seek restraints that would prevent the warlock's long-term mystic escape, and scrolls or potions to do similar for the conflict itself. Let us gird ourselves for battle, and make his life a burden upon him such as he has placed upon so many others. Unless anypony has any other ideas?"[/colour]

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This is a waste of time, Curtain Call wished to protest. There is absolutely no need to restrain, as a pony cannot be slippery if he is dead. The outlaw was practically bursting with the desire to shout into the do-gooders' ears 'Give me five minutes and an ice pick and I'll show you how this conflict will end', but he choked down the bile. Ironmane would nag. Bramble would have nightmares. Miss Ali would... he hasn't figured that part out yet. So he simply resigned himself to being the hunter and expert of criminal profiling, as stated by his fearless leader. Though, all of a sudden, he had to resist the urge to make chicken noises.

"[colour=#006400]I'm pretty sure we can't buy 'anti-whatever-juice' until we discover just what 'whatever' is[/colour]". Stupid Curtain Call chimed in, unable to just keep his mouth shut. "[colour=#006400]We should prepare as best we can, but there are too many variables right now. I think our best course of action would be reconnaissance. Where is he going? What is he aiming for? How many ponies strong is he? What sorts of magic does he wield? Finding his camp and spying is how we answer those questions.[/colour]"

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"[colour=#800080]I concur with our noble leader and our expert scout.[/colour]" Ironmane said with a nod. "[colour=#800080]Preperation and reconnaisance, as we say at Fort Shieldheart. Commander Hurricane has favored us this day, as our flying warrior friend will be invaluable in our quest.[/colour]" She beams at Ali.

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Hagreed gallops from his shack and up to the party as they leave, shoving a large sack into Bramble's hands quite abruptly. It's quite heavy.

[colour=#800000]"I think ye could use a wee bit o' something to get yeh' to grow some. These'll put some hair on your chin.. or was it hair on your head? I ferget. But ye'll get hair somewhere."[/colour]

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Bramble lets out an *oof* as the heavy sack suddenly is laid across his back, his knees giving a little wobble. And his smile getting quite strained at the comments about his needing to grow. [colour=#800080]"Well, ah ... thank you, Professor Hagreed. I appreciate your expertise..." [/colour] He turned and kept walking, carrying the sack on his back, trying to look as if he actually intended to keep it ...

[colour=#800080]"Anyway ... Curtain, the trip to Professor Erudition was to determine exactly what 'whatever' we were to put into the 'anti-whatever'. It's not perfect, but it's the best we'll get for planning purposes. Best to have it than to not. And once we find him with that reconnaissance, we might not have time to come back. But we rely on you for the best plan for spying on him."[/colour]

Bramble angled down along the long grassy central field of the University Grounds, aiming for the front gates, where they could be sure to find some pegasus cabs. [colour=#800080]"Won't take long ... what else do you think we should make sure to pack for the journey?"[/colour]

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Ali blushes a bit as Ironmane speaks of her. [colour=#0000ff]"Just let me know if you want me to do anything special. I can fly anywhere and come back much faster than all of us walking together."[/colour] She does a little flip in the air.

She then gets distracted by Hagreed and bursts out laughing. [colour=#0000ff]"I think Bramble has enough hair for all of us!"[/colour]

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Ironmane trots forward a bit, moving to take the sack and put it across her own back. "[colour=#800080]He does have a rather magnificent mane, does he not? As for other supplies, I recommend the usual; food for the journey, plus one week--I recommend the 'trail mixture' at Hard Tack's shop on Gilded Lane; Bramble Rose found it last year and it is simply delightful and very compact--a good blanket, at least ten feet of rope (silk really is the best, but I suppose hemp would do in a pinch), a waterskin, flint and steel, a knife and of course a sewing kit and some grooming essentials.[/colour]"

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'Scout'. Curtain Call has been called worse. He took it as a compliment and shrugged it off. As for the rock cakes... "[colour=#006400]I can think of two uses for Rock Cakes. One: You could probably use these for a sturdy replacement for cinder blocks. Two: You could soak them in a cream and egg mixture overnight and then fry them the next day. Lost bread is... ahem... a peasant dish.[/colour]" And he would know this from growing up in the 'peasant' tax bracket. The reuse of stale bread is something his dear Ma taught him. And while on the subject of saving money, his inner cheapskate chimed in. "[colour=#006400]Ironmane, I'm scaling a wall, not performing ribbon gymnastics. I'll take hemp rope. Unless I'm out at sea but... eh, that's another day. But knives. Come to think of it, I could use more reasons to be arrested on a concealed weapons charge. Where are we shopping again?[/colour]"

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