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Ponies & Dragons - Episode 1: A Tail of Two Cities


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A pony wearing plaid with a long blonde mane stands behind the counter of hard tacks, on the walls displayed are tons of amenities for any adventurer in need. As the group walks in he speaks to you in an unknown language, gets no response, so he begins speaking in common. [colour=#ffd700]"Welcome to Hard Tacks. How can I help you outfit your expedition?"[/colour]

( Anything in the pathfinder SRD labeled "Goods and services" up to a masterwork quality can be found at Hard Tacks. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services )

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Bramble let out a soft chuckle. [colour=#800080] "I'm not sure Canterlot has concealed weapons laws ... the majority of our population here are Unicorns. Admittedly, our main weapon is right out in the open, on our forehead ... but I've never really looked into that. I can recommend a smith to you ... but I don't have much occassion to need weapons work, either ... my smith works on pieces for my wagon."[/colour] Bramble rubbed a hoof over his chin. [colour=#800080] "But he might have a suggestion for a good weapon-smith, or we could ask at Hard Tack's for a recommendation. Whichever you'd prefer."[/colour]

[colour=#800080]"Shall we split up again, and meet up back at my mother's with all our gear? Spend the night once more in comfortable beds, and strike out first thing in the morning? Or should we all stay as a group, just to make sure confusion doesn't occur once again?"[/colour]

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Boredom lead him down each and every aisle, muttering to himself "[colour=#006400]Don't need it[/colour]" repeatedly, wishing for a 'Cowards-R-Us' that didn't smell of mold and fear. Amazingly enough, fate listened to his pleas in the 'Herbs, Oils & Specials Substances' section. Smoke Pellets? Oh, the chaos he could bring with those. Where have these been all his life, he wondered. And wouldn't you know it, the little weasel actually paid for three of the little beauties. Ironmane would be so proud. After setting his gold on the counter, he couldn't help but ask the shopkeep where he could find a decent weapon smith. "[colour=#006400]Preferably one with experience with... the concealable variety of blade.[/colour]"

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The store owner opens up a concealed portion of the shop made to look like a regular wall, Pulls on some leather hoof protectors, and heaves a hammer onto his well-built shoulders.

Inside is a large furnace, heated with coal. A large pool of water sits in a stone enclosure for cooling the weapons when they come off the anvil, which is also conveniently placed on a sturdy slab of oak log.

[colour=#ffd700]"What can I make for you today?"[/colour] the same shopkeeper asks.

His knowledge of smithing is great. All of the metal tools in hard tacks are made by the owner, so his charges learn smithing in case he is unable to make the tools himself.

He has the ability to make great works of art as far as weapons are concerned, any weapons made by this particular smith are balanced perfectly. If you're looking for quality, go no further.

( Balanced Perfectly = Masterwork Quality, Works of art = Decorative embossing of hilts and blades through metals and paints. )

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"[colour=#006400]Oh my goodness gracious. Is it Hearth's Warming Day already?[/colour]" Was Curtain Call's slasher smile showing? Probably. He could never tell. But it wasn't his fault that Bramble Rose lead him into a toy store! Quickly he composed himself; pulling back his mane and hiding his childlike glee just in case he looked like a psychopath. "[colour=#006400]I don't suppose you have a pair of bladed shoes? A pretty little knife nopony will know about until its too late.[/colour]"

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Bramble chuckled softly to see Curtain's glee. He clasped Curtain on the shoulder briefly. [colour=#800080]"Glad to see something can pull you out of the funk you've been in,"[/colour] he said happily, and then left Curtain to his shopping to go browse idly... he couldn't think of anything he really needed, offhand ... a few refills for his alchemy supplies, and that'd be it. Ooo! They had phoenix ash in! He was lucky it hadn't already disappeared! It was so rare, only a couple tiny piles left behind after a Phoenix had been reborn. He'd have to buy a quarter-gram of that. Maybe a full gram, even, and put most of it in storage, though that was getting downright greedy. Ooo, and lamptree nuts! He'd been looking for those for months!

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The smith does his best to acknowledge your request and is able to fashion you a pair of Masterwork bladed boots. All you have to do to activate them is to click your hooves together three times.

The boots are branded with a half-mask, of the frowning variety. Similar to the masks you see above theatres.

[colour=#ffd700]"So you guys are an adventuring group, right? That's most of what we see around here. What's your team name? Every adventuring group has to have a name."[/colour]

( Don't forget to update your character sheets with your purchases in the appropriate thread so I can change them. FYI: Masterwork bladed boots = Regular bladed boots + 300 gold for the masterwork portion )

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[colour=#0000ff]"I suppose I could use some new ribbons for my braids. Since I have to travel so much, and not always to civilized areas, I carry almost everything I need with me at all times."[/colour] Ali smiles at Ironmane. She feels content with this group - such a different feeling from the past few years of her life.

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"[colour=#800080]Oh, I have to live much the same way. It presents some challenges, but I am grateful for the calling. And on the note of braids, how do you accomplish that look? I have the most difficult time with my mane in even the lightest wind, but you seem to have come straight from the salon![/colour]" She holds up a pair of ribbons while she speaks, one in cerulean and the other hunter green. She holds both against Ali's mane, looking at them thoughtfully.

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Curtain Call's parents, and then later; life has taught him the value of chaos. Well, not so much the value of random chance, but instead, the inevitability of it. In delightful irony, the only reliable factor in the Universe is its unreliably. This is what Curtain Call believes in and relies on in his business of choice. But then, today. Curtain Call, with these new friends of his take him to a city he's never been, in a shop he's never been to find synchronicity. He stared at the works of art presented to him for perhaps a little too long, his Cutie Mark stamped into the metal clear as day. Random chance? Couldn't be. It's too perfect.

"[colour=#006400]Sir, I believe I'll be coming to you for my smithing from this day forward. I could not ask for anything better.[/colour]"

Most of the time, when the little weasel pays for something, anything, he always has a twinge of buyers remorse. It's a miserly tendency. But such feelings did not reveal themselves this time.

"[colour=#006400]Team name? ...we'll think about it. We do need one before we become famous, after all[/colour]", he replied finally with a smirk.

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[colour=#0000ff]"My mother does this for me - it holds solid for a couple weeks unless it gets particularly mussed. She taught me how to braid if you would like me to make some small ones to hold your mane away from your eyes sometime." [/colour]Ali tilts her head to the side as she also examines the ribbons. [colour=#0000ff]"The green would be a nice change, don't you think?"[/colour]

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Bramble trotted by the fillies with a spring in his step, and quite a few bottles and small bags and whatnot floating along with him, humming happily. [colour=#800080] "Oh! Green would be nice, if you're going for contrast. Teal might also be very good ... go well with your coat, evoke a bit of of a wetter feel."[/colour] And he kept trotting on, humming happily. His mass of supplies settled themselves down on the counter next to Curtain Call. [colour=#800080] "Sorry, I missed that ... what about famous names?"[/colour]

Bramble was in a very good mood. He'd found some rare supplies, his friends were all getting along ... they might even forget to ask Ali about how she knows him! And Curtain was in a good mood once again! He was starting to feel confident about their quest!

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"[colour=#800080]I agree. Hunter green will look positively lovely on you. If we get a matching set we will be quite the pair, especially as I will be gratefully taking you up on your kind offer.[/colour]" She pickes up several sets of ribbons for herself and Ali. "[colour=#800080]As for names, I am afraid I have no idea. I only have experience with the names of military units, which typically come from famous deeds and long tradition.[/colour]"

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"[colour=#006400]I'm not old enough for long traditions yet. And as for famous deeds, we'll get there. Unless wanted posters count. Ha![/colour]" He made a joke at his own expense. But was this also a clue left behind by his guilt-ridden subconscious desire for the truth? Curious, but he was laughing anyway.

"[colour=#006400]So, are we ready? Because I do have a suggestion: we investigate at night. I don't think I need to explain the criminal element's motives behind that one.[/colour]"

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[colour=#daa520]"You'd be surprised."[/colour] The blacksmith says while banging out a pair of hoarseshoes. Horseshoes that when used to punch someone in the throat cause their target to become hoarse.

[colour=#daa520]"They're a lot smarter and less superstitious than you might think."[/colour]

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