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Amaranth [Final]


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Roleplay Type: Mane.

Name: Amaranth.

Sex: Male.

Age: Stallion.

Species: Pegasus.

Eye Color: Teal.

Coat Color: Pink.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane is short, wavy, with a long, fluffy tail. Both are Amaranth in color.

Physique: Amaranth is a tall, well built, strong Stallion.

Cutie Mark: A bouquet of beautiful, red roses wrapped in a blue paper.

Origin/Residence: Born in Canterlot, he later moved to Cloudsdale & that is where he now resides.

Occupation: Runs his own Flower Shop in Cloudsdale. He goes out to other places, collects flowers, & brings them back or grows them in pots.

Motivation: Bringing joy to everypony with flowers & having a great business so he can take care of his family.

Character Summary:

History: Amaranth was born in Canterlot to very wealthy parents who wanted their child to become a Doctor someday. However, no matter how much they pushed it onto him Amaranth was just not interested & deep down he felt there was something else meant for him. Soon, Amaranth began taking care of other ponies in his own way, by giving them gifts, listening to them when they spoke, & just being good friend over-all; in fact this is how he met his future wife, Chrysanthemum. While at School, Amaranth had over heard it was her birthday & even though he didn't know her he bought her some gifts. The two of them became fast friends & inseparable. When Amaranth left Canterlot for Cloudsdale, Chrysanthemum wasn't far behind.

Family: Amaranth has been married to Chrysanthemum for several years now. They have one child, Firework.

Cutie Mark Story: Besides helping other ponies, Amaranth had a deep passion for making Fireworks & Firecrackers. Because of this he didn't discover his mark until a little later than most. One day, he decided to go exploring & came across a large field of flowers; they were so bright, colorful, & beautiful he couldn't help but pick as many as he could! When Amaranth brought them home & started giving them out he saw how happy it made everypony. Soon he came to the realization that this is how he'd make ponies happy, this is how he'd make them feel better when they had a bad day, it was then Amaranth got his cutie mark.

Personality: Amaranth is a kind, wise Stallion who loves to put a smile on everyponies face & give advice, especially to those much younger. Because of his peaceful nature he usually gets between violent situations to defuse them by talking with both parties. He is also very protective of everypony; big, small, no matter what they've done he will stand up for them.

Faults: Though he does have a great deal of patience, Amaranth can snap after he's been pushed too far & because of his thick head this can be done if he thinks things aren't done the way he likes so, he is also a little selfish. However, this isn't a daily occurrence, it's actually very rare to see Amaranth snap but when he does...you might want to get out of his way.

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Hey, you need to change the wings for your character. Those are Celestia's wings, and nopony else in show has been shown to have her exact wing style and size. Please change them to normal Pegasus wings.

Hmm... also, is there a way to make your character's Cutie Mark a little more unique? There are already a few characters with rose's for Cutie Marks.

Rose has "A single Rose", but if you look at the picture, it's actually a rose with two petals and a stem.

Silky Rose, again, has "Simply a red rose" for a Cutie Mark.

Dahlia Blossom's is also a rose, but it is "A blue rose".

Lastly, there is Dainty Damsel, who has a "Pink Rose with two Green leaves."

So, a little something to make your character's Cutie Mark unique would be great! :)

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