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Need ideas...


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So... I have an awesome new camera, an awesome green screen, and video editing software... but not a single idea :scream:



So yeah, i'm really low on ideas of what i should do... I was thinking "Hey, i'll just plug myself into an MLP episode!" but i can't really think of a good spot where that would be fun/funny... Next i thought "Well i'll just film a random thing, then film me doing something on the screen screen and splice them together for awesomeness!" but then i couldnt think of what to do...

I just had a thought about maybe 'Ian stalks people' and take famous internet celebs and kinda green screen myself in behind them looking creepy... hm, that might be something to think about...

but yeah, i dont have any ideas that REALLY poke out at me...Please help me... I'd prefer something pony relate just cause it's fun, but really ANY ideas you may have for green screen shenanigans would be great!

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I didn't get that far in my thought process.

Any monologue could do, from any character, but I can't actually think of that many.

Very true, i now know what to look for... but still, i need to find a good scene now... where oh where is a good monologue in MLP.... I shall find you...

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