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Introduction? okay! now. What to say?


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I, erm... I should start with something positive right?

Okay! well, I'm socially awkward. No, not positive. I'm not a funny person as you can most probably tell due to my bad humour. I'm dyslexic yet I write fan fictions, that's good right? I spend my entire day either writing fan fictions or immersing myself within Virtual Reality @u@ woo! trippiness. That was a really bad way of saying I'm the sort of gamer who sits and does nothing BUT the hobby in question. I used to roleplay until the rules in the RP community I was in got absolutely ridiculous. (Seven paragraphs each needing to be AT LEAST ten lines?). I'm planning on setting up a let's play channel I guess that's something else to say about me, right? I enjoying spelling backwards, that's another thing toI've been a brony for a year now? I dunno, I think maybe a year or three to four months (I first watched the show when I was bed-ridden due to a flu and well, my curiosity got the better of me.) I'm also a huge zombie lore/literature fan to some extent. Man, this introduction has gone on due to me doing nothing but rabble on hasn't it? I need to stop directly interacting with the reader. Sorry! did it aga-okay, every time I do it, somepony hit me with a ruler! that's really all there is apart from my favourite mane 6 character being Fluttershy.

3: please don't moider me..

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D I think you'll find that our RP rules aren't nearly as ridiculous as seven paragraphs, and if you're interested, you should definitely check out our RP some time. As for interacting with your readers... well, I don't believe in listening to the fourth wall, since I've been told it's bad to listen to what talking walls tell you, so I tend to ignore it most of the time. :P

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I used to roleplay until the rules in the RP community I was in got absolutely ridiculous. (Seven paragraphs each needing to be AT LEAST ten lines?).

Urgh,Roleplaying on an old Sonic Forum got rediculous(Is it spelt like that?Normalluy,Me cun spel gud)when the other people wouldn't even reply to me.So I gave up,and watched the forums BURN. But I digress(Really not good at spelling today.Must be tired.)Anyway,These forums SHAN'T BE LIKE THAT.

On a side note,looking forward to seeing some let's plays.I always like watching Let's plays.

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