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What a nice website, soo.. this is how i found out about this website, And this is how the mystical tale of my journy to Canterlot begins. I was in youtube derping around watching random mlp clips (like the dun dun dunn one) then i saw an add for this website

so i clicked it and in a few seconds i was like "AWSOME" so i decided to make my own acount etc. Stuff about me.. hmm well i like video games like super smash bros brawl,Skyrim,Halo,Most of the Kirby series,Super mario etc. Im living in Canada (yay Canada) and i love to play tennis and when im not playing tennis or video games like to play a trumpet and when im not playing my trumpet im sleeping or just being lazy.

I hope this is a good intro for some people because im not the best introducer :/

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*clears throat*

Now that we have gotten that bit out of the way. Please enjoy your stay! :smirk:

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I just had to, came to my mind :blush:


Welcome to Canterlot. I'd place bets that you'll accommodate quick, if not the fact hazard is illegal in my country.

Enjoy your stay ^^

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hm quick question well questions first one is How do you do what Volt did with the comment of what Silverswirl said and second question how do you add pictures and words etc to the bottem of your message like what volt and silverswirl etc did

1. You click the "Quote" button in the bottom right hand corner of a post.

2. Go into your profile, click "Edit my Profile" on the right side of the screen, then go to Signature (Fourth tab down)

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ok this is the image i tried 2 but then i decided to use this one yay combustible lemons

and now to just get this post not too short and some more ok this might take a while RANDOM TALKING

so i heard you like lemons how about combustibal ones

and pie and apples and how about apple pie together what an enigma

also have you heard about derpy with muffins? i heard she likes them your kidding right more talking needed ok

some more and some more this is getting anoying ok you know what im just gona take away the picture and try again with the link

http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/128213-cave-johnson-combustible-lemons ok thats the link

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Well, first problem with that image is it's too large for a signature image, those can only have a height up to 150px, as stated in the rules post here. The other problem is that you need a direct link to the image, not a link to the page with the image on it. You would get that by right-clicking the image and then clicking "View Image" (In Firefox, unsure about other browsers). You should end up with a link that ends in one of .jpg, .png, or .gif.

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Well, first problem with that image is it's too large for a signature image, those can only have a height up to 150px The other problem is that you need a direct link to the image, not a link to the page with the image on it. You would get that by right-clicking the image and then clicking "View Image"


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