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Listen to the Basse


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Ooh, that's a simply atrocious pun. I'll continue on with the assumption that I don't already have a mark against me for that:

So I'm a brony introduced by a friend who is also a brony who attends events in the area known in Equestria as Los Pegasus (I was pleased when they made a parallel for what I hope is LA in canon, unless that's Los Alamos or something, in which case the reference to nuclear testing isn't exactly a fun one). I don't do much as of yet, I'm hoping to start some manner of vocal work within the fandom, but at the very least I know I'm an avid roleplayer who's been occupied as such for nearly ten years now. My chosen name reflects my interest in music, and allowed me to make the terrible pun you see there in the thread title.

Came to the site by looking up roleplays for My Little Pony, while I am a member of some and run one on TV Tropes (I'm there solely as a roleplayer, I'm otherwise apathetic towards the site) I needed more for my pony fix.

And to conclude, drop the basse.

Ooh, that was even worse.

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The Tv Tropes forums. Don't go, it's a trap.

And I dunno about the debate, it seems like it could go either way. 'Las' was the word on one hand, but Los Angeles really makes more sense on the other. And on the third hand, Equestria doesn't even look like America, so who knows? Las Vegas could be on the coast in Equestria.

Incidentally, I can make posts now in non-introduction threads legally now, right?

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