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From the Far Glen... {Thrylos, SilverSwirl First Two to Reply get to Join. After that, PM me!}


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It is early spring. Flowers peeked from the ground made wet by the rain, patches of snow disappearing under the sunlight. This is Far Glen. Deep within Everfree Forest, in a small meadow, lies a place of silence. But when the moon rises, howls radiate from the deep, and the wolves go out! Silent, pawsteps on soft earth, the wolves leave nothing behind but prints and nothing more. They are one with the forest, hunters who have been challenged by nature, and have succeeded! Their survival is important to the whole ecosystem! Without them, the wilds would crumple...but a strange force has come, threatening the wolves safety...

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Flame Heart trotted along, the beautiful spring sun drying her pelt, and the mud that splashed around her and collected on her hooves/paws cooled her. The pack had just had a successful hunt, and what came out of it was a huge elk! The venison was flavorful and delicious. Day hunts like hers were just small, perfect for small things like rabbits and squirrels, even the creatures of the sky, usually starlings and the occasional predator. Sometimes the pack could even bring down a bear with the power of cooperation, teamwork and friendship! Most ponies don't understand how much the wolves are like them. They look past the friendship and only pay attention to their meat-eating habits. Flame looked back and forth, before stepping into the forest, out of the glen's warm rays and into the ferns and shadows.

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Bowie (Tall, slim, muscular peach colored earth pony stallion, mark: A red crystal and blue crystal fused together on a necklace. His mane is long and blond with a baby blue headband keeping it out of his eyes and a short blonde tail), had been wandering the forest with his sentient pet and friend Spiri, looking for a way home after being hurled into this world after a magical mishap involving a Magic Tunnel from Grans Island to the mainland of their home world. Feeling the warm sun seeping through his combat uniform and flowing cape, he wondered if this forest would ever open up to a plain or settlement. Spotting an open place in the trees, he smiled, hoping that there might be a lumberjack's home or a woodsman's cabin that he could stop and ask for some help in leaving the forest. "Spiri, this way! I think there may be a cabin over here! If not, at least we'll have a place to set up camp for a time.", he said to the little dragon turtle. He still hadn't seen any more of his comrades and this had caused a look of worry to go across his face like a cloud obscuring the sun temporarily.

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Spiri (short, stout, small green dragon-like creature with a turtle shell and beautiful, gleaming copper helmet) looked around, a little sad to leave the cool, damp forest. But he followed anyway, and 'Kiwi' looked around the beautiful glen, eyes shining softly in the now fading sunlight. Suddenly, he noticed the paw prints covering the little mud patches from the recent storm.

"Umm...Bowie?" Spiri stuttered, glancing back and forth slowly. Then, the howls began.


Flame 'Wild Hooves' Heart, the small, gray, pony with scraggly fur, a wolf-like muzzle, and cloud white mane, with a flaming sun orb as her mark, heard the howls and instinct caught her as she howled the notes back that resounded across the fields, a neighish hint to her voice. The wolf pegasus sped through the tree with inpony agility, racing towards the glen, ready for the hunt ahead. But Flame slowed as she smelled the normal pony and dragon, strangely the smell of turtle reaching her nose.

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Hearing the howls and spotting the wolf-like pawprints, he said, "Prepare for a fight, Kiwi!". Looking down at Spiri's expression of worry and hearing him stutter a warning, Bowie's smile turned into an expression of determination as he unsheathed the Force Sword, it's blade gleaming in the fading sunlight. Holding it in one hoof, he felt it's power coursing in his veins and said, "Stay close and be careful, it may not be our wolf baron friend, it could be an unknown enemy. I think I can still call down lightning from the heavens like on our world but I am not sure what the effects on me would be." He set himself into a defensive combat stance, scanning the edges of the glen for any movement.

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Kiwi shivered, but the look on Bowie's face was enough to keep him from collapsing out of fear. Preparing for a fight, smoke billowed from his snout, as he looked about. The wolves could be seen, creeping up out of their dens to join the howling. As the pack howled, the wild noises turned to a symphony of sound, resonating through the hills and softening the sharp silence of the now moonlit treetops. The sound was both captivating and scary, and the animal inside Spiri made him want to run at least 5 miles in 10 seconds! The soft, growing howls seeped through Spiri's soul, wonderful and horrendous. Not a single muscle could moved, locked in place by the murderous symphony.


Flame shivered with excitement as she howled, then trotted slowly towards the camp, hooves alighting softly on the leaves. The pegasus saw Spiri, and was entranced by his strange body, unlike any dragon she had ever seen. But something shocked her, since the turtle dragon seemed to not trust the beauty of the pack's call to the hunt.

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Seeing the Pegasus flying towards them, Bowie called out, "Is that you Jaro?". Noticing the wolves surrounding them and hearing their symphony of howls, it sent a chill down his spine as he remembered the tales about his father, Ian, who was alsoba heroic figure in Parmecian lore. Pushing that aside he said, "Spiri, stand back! I am gonna try it if they prove unfriendly!". Turning back to the new arrival, "I am Bowie, a hero from the kingdom of Granseal! I mean no harm but if you or your wolf cohorts attacks, I will be forced to defend myself and Spiri will help me!". Lifting the sword to the heavens, he could feel the lightning building in the air as he prepared his spell like ability.

His eyes blazing, he let out a warning snort as his cape began to flap in the wind. "Identify yourself!", he shouted in a tone of authority he had used quite often in his journey during battle to his friends.

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Spiri stood there as the wolf pony stood, no sign of fear in her eyes. She just smiled, and Spiri shook. She was so beautiful! But something about all the wolves were how much their gracefulness and beauty scared the little guy as much as it put courage in his heart.

"I am Flame Heart, but you may call me Wild Hooves." the pegasus said, big black eyes shimmering in the stormy backdrop, glinting like a black pearl. Then Flame looked at Spiri, and his heart skipped a beat. Her voice came out, soft and lulling. 'Why are you frightened so? My pack means no harm to pony or dragon." The pack in the glen were sheltering in their dens, barking something at her. She howled a quick reply and nodded to Spiri and Bowie. "I must go now before the storm begins." But as she began to move, Spiri reacted.

"WILD HOOVES!!!" Flame turned around in surprise, eyes losing their glint. The little green dragon rushed towards her, and he kissed her. Flame Heart's fluffy cheeks burned bright pink, and the pack stared in disbelieve. Even Spiri was surprised with himself as he dropped down and stumbled into Bowie.

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Bowie lowered his sword and the building storm ceased as his cape stopped moving. Relaxing his guard, he replied, "I apologize, Wild Hooves, I am a veteran of a war against a great and powerful evil, far from my home. In fact, I know nothing of this world as I was just using a magic teleporter to go to the mainland of my home to spread the news of our victory and wound up here and transformed into this form." He was sheathing the sword as Spiri kissed the Pegasus and stumbled into him, causing the sword to nick his flank. A hiss of pain escaped his lips as he put his sword away.

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Flame Heart stared at the pony, eyes blank. The very thought was so improbable, and for all she knew of ponies she was certain only the magic of a unicorn could teleport anything, let alone to another dimension. Her knack with hunting and her half-wolf mind wasn't good and processing such ideas, but the kiss that came was even harder to understand, though it made her feel so warm inside. The storm ceased and moonlight twinkled on her scraggly gray fur, all black eyes shining.

"I--understand." The wolf pegasus forced a smile, as the other wolves came out and began to move out. She barked to them, and replied swiftly before speeding of.

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Bowie, noting the Pegasus Wolf's confusion as she said she understood him before leading the wolves away, gave chase. He could feel something was wrong in the forest as he shouted after Wild Hooves, "Wait!". At that moment, he saw a large shadowy figure come into his line of sight. In the moonlight, he couldn't discern what it was but he felt it had an aura of malice about it. "Spiri! I need you!", he shouted in a shaky voice, as he drew his blade again.

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Hearing the wolves growl and Spiri screaming like mad, Bowie's resolve returned as he shouted in an angry voice, "foul beast! Prepare to taste my divine power!". Raising his blade over his head, he charged forward.

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The dark figure trotted towards them, and the pony, wrapped in shadow, gave Spiri one look that made his throat stop working, and began choking on his own screams. When the figure looked away, Spiri got a good breath and shook there instead of screaming. 'Wild Hooves' growled with the other wolves, who were coming out of the dens in swarms. Each den held passageways with a pack in each, so the immense numbers of wolves was amazing. Instead of fright, the shadow alicorn looked at the wolves in annoyance. Raising his wing and horns to the sky, his two hollow eyes glowed red as if hot embers burned in the sockets. A tornado of shadows whipped about the clearing, pushing everything towards a the tornado, which crackled with red lightning.

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Feeling the pull of the tornado and also noticing that Wild Hooves had summoned the wolf pack, smiled a little, "A wind blast spell? I am unimpressed.", he said in a bored tone. Looking at Wild Hooves, he shouted, "Get ready! This is no ordinary tornado. If she wants to wage magical warfare, I am happy to oblige!".

Looking over at Spiri, he could see him choking under its evil gaze. Raising the Force Sword, he uttered a chant that was unintelligible to everyone but himself as a rain of white holy lightning fell upon the dark figure. As the lightning rained down, Bowie was pulled into the tornado and hurled into a tree with a crash as the tree fell from the impact. Stunned, Bowie groaned in pain but thought to himself as he picked himself up, "I've taken worse blows than that and survived. I survived a Prism Flower laser blast for crying out loud.". His smile and boyish mirth were gone, replaced with a serious expression that signaled to Spiri, the kid gloves were coming off. "It's show time.", he whispered.

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Spiri nodded. The alicorn laughed at his comment "Ha! You imps think you can beat me?" The tornado raged on, catching the lightning that rained and throwing it to the ground. The black shadow alicorn looked at the two of them, then to the wolf pack, and smiled a little. But just as the shadow figure began to relax, Spiri crashed into him, knocking both of them into the tornado, which ripped the shadows that clung to the pony underneath the black shroud. The tornado began to fail, and both the pegasus cursed by the shadows and Spiri fell from the sky. In a panic, Flame 'Wild Hooves' Heart flew into the air and grabbed both of them quickly, setting the two unconscious creatures on the ground. The pegasus had a foggy sky blue mane, against white fur and three snowflakes representing her special talent

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Bowie, in a haze of pain from the impact of the tree watched in horror and awe as Spiri tackled the shadowy figure into the tornado. Watching as Spiri and another Pegasus being hurled into the air, rescued by Wild Hooves as the tornado dissipated, he called out, "Thank you Wild Hooves!". Sheathing his blade, he staggered over, and looked at the blue Pegasus that was unconscious next to Spiri and said, "I can feel a curse has been laid upon this pony. That is the only way I can explain this event.". Looking at Spiri, he saw some injuries on his vulnerable underbelly and pulled a medical herb out of his saddlebag, "This should help him recover from his injuries.". He then applied the herb to Spiri's underbelly as a poultice like he hasmd done so many times on their journey.". Bowie smiled and looked at Wild Hooves and said, "I am glad that's over. Are you or your pack injured?".

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