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Cloudchaser [Final]

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I never thought I'd ever apply for a tier 3 pony. Hurricane Fluttershy offered some amazing designs though. I couldn't resist... ;-)

Roleplay Type: Mane

Name: Cloudchaser

Sex: female

Age: young mare

Species: pegasus

Eye Color: rose

Coat Color: light blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: very pale blue with streaks of white. Stylish, spiky, medium-long cut to the mane. Tail is similarly spiky.

Physique: nicely flexible, but otherwise average

Cutie Mark: A shooting star, as seen below:


Origin/Residence: Born in Las Pegasus. Now resides in Ponyville.

Occupation: Nighttime Weather pony

Motivation: just enjoy herself and life her life to the fullest.

Likes: fun things, being around friends, flying, clear night skies, her own mane.

Dislikes: overly strict or aggressive types, being overworked.

Character Summary:

History – This cool pegasus mare was born in the western pegasus paradise of Las Pegasus. Her time in the city instilled her with a very easygoing, fun loving attitude, even after she moved to Ponyville shortly after becoming a mare to find a job that suited her. She is a weather pony, and is happy with that job, as she genuinely loves flying and chasing down clouds, as fits her name. Naturally inclined to the nighttime, due to the nightlife of her first home, she works to keep the skies in order during the late hours of night while most of Ponyville sleeps. She's a very social pony, with a lot of friends, none closer than her best friend Flitter from whom she is seldom seen apart.

Cutie Mark Story – As a filly, Cloudchaser didn't have a lot of focus. Nothing really compelled her, and she didn't really know what to do with her life. Then one night, as she stared off into space, she saw a shooting star cross the sky. This simple act inspired her to take flight. She rushed toward the star, hoping to catch up to it, but it of course fell far faster than she could fly. Instead she ended up high in the night sky, amongst the clouds. It was the first time she had flown around at night, and she was surprised at how nice it felt. Upon returning from what would be the first of many night flights, she realized her cutie mark had appeared in the shape of a shooting star like the one she had seen.

Flaws – She can be too easygoing and lacking in seriousness, even at inopportune times. Her strong sense of humor sometimes has her laugh at the expense of others, even if she knows she shouldn't. Big words tend to confuse her. On occasion, she'll just follow whatever Flitter says without thinking things through herself.

Personality - Cloudchaser is a very easygoing, well humored, laid back pegasus. She enjoys being social and interacting with her friends, especially Flitter. She is very proud of her mane style and puts a lot of effort into having it maintained by her stylist. She lacks in real ambition, but is dedicated, outgoing and a good flier.






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I often wonder if Cloudchaser and Fritter are sisters, given their familiar colors. Of course the show never states one way or the other, it is just as possible they are friends instead. I do dig Cloudchaser's eye design (most ponies don't have that black outline around most of the like she does, it makes her stand out more). Also enjoyed where you took her personality, I am having an easy time envisioning her like that. Also yay for Las Pegasus reference, now I am more inspired to get that through. :D

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Heh. Thanks a lot. :)

I guess that it's a possibility, them being sisters. Somehow I hadn't even really thought about that. Having them as friends gives more freedom to Flitter's applicant(s) to get creative though.

Her eyes are definitely part of the appeal. That and her mane. Her design is just really cool, I think.

And yeah, I've really been wanting to have a character tied to Las Pegasus (I still will probably end up doing an OC from there). Looking at Cloudchaser, she seemed to have the right sort of vibe for the city.

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The components about her parents should probably be taken out. Reason being is that when it comes to cast, inventing 'OC' parents for cast characters presents a slew of problems. While it may be unlikely that her parents will actually be shown in the show, the possibility that they could show up must be taken into consideration. Though you can make some suppositions, their names and species are probably best left out.

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I see. And while I do doubt we'll ever see a minor character like hers parents, I understand where you're coming from. That section has been deleted.

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