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About Myself: Well.. I am an Irish teenager living in.... you know. I LOVE video games. LOVE 'em. I also enjoy surfing the Web often enough. I'm a friendly enough guy and enjoy a good laugh.

How I found Canterlot.com: Basically searching for a brony RP'ing site.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Literally browsing through Youtube. I'm an open minded person and didn't go through all that '5 steps of bronydom' stuff that happens a lot.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
Just as a little bit of info. regarding ponies, I have not managed to purchase any pony-related merchandise EVER, due to the lack of stores that sell them here. Also, apart from the mane cast, my favourite pony is Luna. Reason: Dreams. I end up having lots of really epic ones. So far, Luna has been the only pony that has ever appeared in them. Oh well........

Moving on.....

I hope to make some good friends here, but I may not be online all the time due to school. BUT, I do hope to be on as much as possible. Hopefully i can have some good times here.


But first sleeping time. See y'all in the morn.

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