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Greeting, and Good Fortune


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About Myself: I live in Texas. I Like to read and write, want to know more? Some times so do I...

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I am a fan Of Fosters and I am a fan of Adventure time. MLP was an easy like.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I bid you welcome you my introduction. I hope your day was nice and you belly full. Yes? No? Ah no matter, you are not here for my question unless you are then I wish you luck for I have many and most of them are not likely to be answered at least no here, but let's get back you why you are here to welcome me to the site. So I thank you. Thank you strangers soon to be friends. Thank you Moderator, Administrators, and Owners. Thank you Fillies and Colts. Thank you Mares and Stallions. Thank you all and may you have a good day.

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Well, thank you, for being so nice! You would be surprised by what we can answer :P Welcome to Canterlot, Pyuka, have a great time here! ^_^

Being nice is what I try to do best. And I hope I do have a great time here.

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How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I am a fan Of Fosters and I am a fan of Adventure time. MLP was an easy like.


Eww, you're really a fan of one of the most tasteless lagers in the world? :D

So what you're saying is... you like drinking then having adventures? And because of your drunken "adventures" you like MLP?

I don't get the connection. :shock:

Welcome to Canterlot.com

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Eww, you're really a fan of one of the most tasteless lagers in the world? :D

So what you're saying is... you like drinking then having adventures? And because of your drunken "adventures" you like MLP?

I don't get the connection. :shock:

Welcome to Canterlot.com

Drunken adventuring always, ALWAYS lead one to great things.

Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is what I meant, but I'm sure you knew that and poking fun on the new guy. :)

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