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Edd Gould has passed

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So, if you've never heard of Eddsworld, you shoudl be ashamed of yourself first of all... but second of all it's a great animated series by Edd Gould. the crazy and often hilarious adventures that he and his friend go through, including Zombies, the apocalypse, ghosts, and Zombie Santa. very funny stuff and i recommend you check it out...

But i dont know if anymore animations will be made... Edd has been battling cancer for six years now. i remember hearing about it a while back, but didn't pay much attention to it, but apparently he has now passed away...

I'm frankly really upset... I really loved his animations and i've often gone back and rewatched the entirety of his cartoons every couple of months... he was a really funny guy with some great animations... some of his work inspired me to try and work on animation, I feel really torn up about this to be honest. i never knew the guy but knowing that the guy who made such inspirational and hilarious cartoons won't be making them any more... it's really getting me emotional.

So... let's discuss some of his work and what it meant to us... or maybe we can discuss a time when someone who meant a lot to you passed, even if you didn't know them personally...

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I think I know whats on his tombstone.

He liked trains

jokes aside, his passing did creae a new holiday: Edds day. we sit around and watch all his videos, eating bacon, and drinking cola. also, we wear green hoodies.

every march 25.

at least he had his lucky can with him when he died... :(

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