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Hello then, I suppose


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About Myself: I enjoy many things, including many different forms of gaming (P&P, Grand Strategy, Simulation, the list goes on.)

I live in the area just south of D.C., some would like to call it... The Burg. Though, I'm closer to King George.

How I found Canterlot.com: Random Googling Curiosity.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Watched a Discord episode a while back, thought it was pretty good. Ended up having a lot of crap happen in the middle, but now that things are under control I've had time to actually look into the show. It's just fun.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash
Well, hello. Been doing the whole role playing thing since about 04, been looking for something to catch and hold my interest. I figured I'd give this a shot, I'd also like to say, whoever made the theme and set up of this site. This place is more legit then any forum RP I've ever seen. But maybe my previous fandoms just stank.

I have a bad tendency to float about from game to game though. It's really quite obnoxious. Though, I usually end up with at least one new person to talk to.

I've only been doing Forum RPs since 06, I'm an old Zoids RPer (shout outs to Metal Machine Musicers, you know me, I know me, we know each other, we know Don, we know Sheep, stuff was crazy.) Also done a bit of Adeptus Evangelion through Forum, and enough pen and paper games to drive a man crazy.

I'm a huge fan of 40k, D&D (3.5, 3.0, 2.0 Advanced), and the Old World of Darkness. Got a huge problem with being addicted to the Paradox games (Victoria: Empire Under The Sun, Europa Universallis III, Mount & Blade) and as such am a huge history nut (Especially pre-1918.)

I first saw MLP:FiM about a year ago, it might not have been quite that long, times were busy then. I was sitting over at my fiances sisters house and both of us were just relaxing for a bit, we had been watching their kids, but they finally got home. Turned on the tube, to one of the Discord episodes (I'm only on S1 Ep20, so I have no idea which episode it was exactly) we just couldn't quite look away. It had struck me then that it was interesting, but I had little time (none the less internet) to look more into it until recently.

Me and her decided to watch some of it, because of some reaction images we had seen. Now we're both hooked! Hopefully I can talk her into joining soon, but RPing isn't really her thing anymore.

Been through a lot of crap, but who hasn't, right? I'm a Texan, she's from Virginia. It's a long story, but she ended up in Texas for a little over a year, and now we're in Virginia (I am still quite unsure of this State, it's just so... expensive.)

Anyways, I've had some rough times, and made and lost a lot of friends over the years. I figure, nothing else, I can bother you all with ponies, instead of the few close friends I have left.

Also, Dash is best Pony. Deal with it.

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Hey, welcome to the site! I'm not an RPer myself; never done it before, but I bet it won't be long before they start popping in here to talk about it. And ponies are never a bother. I hope you stick around! :D

It's fun, as long as you don't get too many 'Those people', I used to be a part of a really big group of friends that all RP'd, back in Wichita Falls, Texas. A bunch of them I had known for 4, or 5 years. We had a great time, all the time.

After moving back closer to home, and losing contact with all of them I found a small group of only 4 or 5 that were so ingrained in how they played that they didn't care about how anyone else did it. Me and my bud ended up getting thrown out of their game because we cared more about our characters, then doing huge amount of damage.

It was really kind of sad.

I've had a lot of fond memories though, between trying to wrestle a T-Rex, and watching my friends all plot against each other to see who they could off first (Dark Heresy), I wouldn't change any of it. I hope I can manage to stay here too, I have this awful habit of going to a new RP every couple of months. Here's hoping for change. It's been like that since the old Zoids RPG I was a part of died though.

I've got a lot of stories though, and could literally rant on for days.

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I do have to say, after some wandering about, I do enjoy the cut of this particular Forumboats jib. It just -feels- more friendly then what I'm used to, I'm used to dodging admin, and having moderators stare into my soul whenever I get anywhere near them. Most forums I've been on though, are very small. Compared to what I'm used to, you could hide in the crowd here!

Sometimes I forget I'm in Virginia.

All I have to do is look at my rent to prove it.

I have to say though, I really miss Texas, I had never expected to live anywhere else. East Texas, where I grew up, manages to be both wooded and plains. Though, it's mostly due to pastureland. Where I am in VA though, is almost all farms. Lots of open space, and hills. But no fences, I'm so used to barbed wire. Also, this state is far too hilly for my taste.

As if I can really complain about having a roof over my head, food in the pantry, and a decent job.

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