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Canterlot is dead or we've got some really funny guys here


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I was DISGUSTED by that letter, and right when I was about to freak out and just delete all my pony-related accounts,something popped into my mind...It's the first day of April, and now I'm totally confused.

What if this is just an April's fool joke (which I hope it is and not a real thing) and we don't have anything to worry about? But even then I don't think this is something people should make fun of, nowadays things like this CAN happen and you shouldn't jinx it.

And if it's real...Then all I've got to say is that Hasbro is made of a bunch of jerks and I hate being a brony from this point on. Is this their way of saying "thank you" for making the show so popular and for buying a lot of the show merchandise, or am I missing something here?

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I was DISGUSTED by that letter, and right when I was about to freak out and just delete all my pony-related accounts,something popped into my mind...It's the first day of April, and now I'm totally confused.

What if this is just an April's fool joke (which I hope it is and not a real thing) and we don't have anything to worry about? But even then I don't think this is something people should make fun of, nowadays things like this CAN happen and you shouldn't jinx it.

And if it's real...Then all I've got to say is that Hasbro is made of a bunch of jerks and I hate being a brony from this point on. Is this their way of saying "thank you" for making the show so popular and for buying a lot of the show merchandise, or am I missing something here?


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my april fools day suck! it wasnt even a funny joke! it was that joke that mde you pissed if anything. i was in ponyville forums and one of the mods thought it be really funny to accounced that the forums will be closing and tribes will take over and that got most of mad and only few ppl thought it was funny but a good majority of the members were furious because who makes a joke like that? not cool..and nopony likes hiim because he makes rude comments and acts like a dillhole

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