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Yet another newbie


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About Myself: I'm practically a role player at heart. I love all kinds of literature, but writing fanfictions and stories has never been as fun to me, as role play. I'm generally social, everything I do revolves around being with people so of course I'm involved in a lot of forums, groups, and I try to be friends with everyone. (Although, I tend to be the insensitive type so that's not always possible.) Besides that, I love anime, art (digital art especially), music, and all sorts of role play!

How I found Canterlot.com: Well honestly, after working up the nerve to draw a pony character I really wanted to find somewhere to roleplay him. All I did was google My Little Pony roleplay and bam. :P

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Tch, not to be a hipster but I've always been into MLP. My sister had the entire collection of all of the original MLP toys, and when we found out they made a new show... how could we resist?!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
So yeah, of course I'm all for this kind of forum. What a mix, role play, an awesome community, and MLP!

I hope you all can tolerate my rather... ah, how do I put it? Out spoken behavior :P

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Hey, welcome to Canterlot! Look forward to seeing you in the roleplay, if you don't mind ^_^ I'm sure you'll find we are good at tolerating here. Have fun out there! :D

Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay :D

Thank you both ;D I see this forum is pretty active, not often that I find somewhere with so many members online pretty much all the time. I appreciate the welcomes!

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My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity

My despair's gone finally!

After such a long break in introductions thread...

...there'd been numerous statements like this lately!

Rarity finally gets the attention she deserves!

And of course, Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay!

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