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Night Melody [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type:

World of Equestria RP / Mane RP


Night Melody







Eye Color:

Light/Sky Blue - #00FFFF

Coat Color:

Dull White (A very, very tiny amount grey)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

Night’s mane consists of a cheerful, light blue that slides down just past his horn, complete with a dark purple stripe which flows down starting from his left eye. His tail follows the same colour pattern and positioning, and is a basic curve that is too short to reach the ground.

Both his mane and tail are well kept, and this shows visually. However, he has taken no strides in the direction of actually styling said mane and tail.


Night is noticeably thin. If he didn’t have the little muscle he did, he would possibly look as if he hadn't consumed food since he was born.

Cutie Mark:

Night Melody’s cutie mark is a indigo coloured quaver passing through the centre of a lyre. The exterior (Everything except the strings) of the lyre also shares an indigo colour, but slightly darker. The strings, however, are pure white. It symbolizes his love and passion for music, as well as how those who listen to it can be changed by it.


Night came from Canterlot, but now resides in Ponyville as he didn’t enjoy the upper-class way of life, among other things which will be explained later. His house is one of the many that face the town hall, and consists of two floors split into four rooms. A very short time after graduating from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, he left his family to start a new life in Ponyville, travelling himself with his most treasured possessions in his saddlebags. There were already many talented musicians in Canterlot, so if anything, the move was a ploy to earn more bits.


Night is a musician, who is available for hire. He enjoys his job, as his usual jobs involve performing at parties, restaurants or on rare occasions, he gets the honour of performing at weddings. He’s also been known to perform at the castle himself, mostly for private parties and meetings. This has only happened twice since he has moved to Ponyville, however.


Night loves more than anything to see ponies enjoy his music, and so plays to his best ability each time he finds himself in front of an audience. Rumours have escalated that his music can have certain effects on the crowds though, such as making them strangely calm or find themselves feeling unnaturally refreshed. Seeing a smile on a face, or a deep thoughtful expression caused by his music is what drives Night to continue playing his music.


-His favourite food is hayfries. He’s a simple stallion, really.


-Seeing ponies unite and enjoy his music together.

-Talented musicians, as well as playing music himself.

-Performing magic. He is a cut above normal unicorns in terms of magical prowess.


-Ponies making fun of his music.

-He does not like showing violence and aggression.

-Using his magic to harm other living beings.

Character Summary:

History / Cutie Mark Story:

Night was born in Canterlot, living in the centre of the bustling city for most of his years. He attended a public school as a foal, enjoying the little social interaction he got from the lessons, as well as the music they would sometimes play. He had a taste in music from a very young age, and would often listen to music while performing any physical tasks or generally to pass time, letting his imagination take him to different places as it played as he lay on the floor of his room. He would often dream about being a Pegasus, living in Cloudsdale and performing a multitude of aerobatic feats.

A little while later, he began to take interest in actually performing music himself. He sneakily borrowed a few books on the arcane arts from the local library, using their teachings to learn how to perform basic magic in order to use the instruments. Due to his boundless dedication to music, he spent many long nights with his muzzle inside a book to master the basic feat of levitation which most unicorns could achieve with no effort at all. He didn’t find it so simple. However, being the first unicorn in his school to achieve this at such an early age didn’t come without notice from both the teachers and his parents.

He came home one day to find his parents donning mischievous, but somewhat proud expressions, watching him intently as he moved up to his room. Later, after they had all gathered downstairs for the elusive substance known as food, his parents announced that they had entered him for Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. He was very unsure what to make of the abrupt opportunity, but he was confident that he would be able to pass the entrance exam. Anypony could have told him that magic wasn’t where his heart lied. He passed the exam in the following week.

He continued the routine of dedicated study, school and music for a very long time. It almost became something which made up his very life essence, but that wouldn’t last forever. He was one of the only unicorns in the school who had not yet received their cutie mark. He wasn’t one to care about the endless drone of “Blank flank!” insults though.

One night however, he began to recall his original reasons for learning about unicorn magic. His sister had since aged and become interested in music herself at one point, but she had already found her special talent for fashion. Which was a bit upsetting, as his sister was a fairly younger than him. He played through all her old instruments for the rush of hearing music performed by himself, his mind becoming more and more focused on nothing but performing. His parents even told him to stop; but when had your parents irritated pleas stopped anypony from doing anything?

He lifted a neglected lyre into his hoof; staring at the notes on the page in front of him. He began to play, the feelings in his chest being focused directly into the magic which was to be pulling the strings of the lyre. The instant the first string was plucked, every sound in the house stopped. By the second the entire area had silenced itself to listen. Despite his obvious new audience, Night continued to play the sorrowful song that sat on the stand in front of him, contained in the pages of a book. The silence would normally be a normal thing, had it not been in the centre of Canterlot, where it echoed with chatting and laughter throughout the hours of morning, day and night.

After he stopped playing, everything remained still for the first few seconds, as if to reflect on his playing. His family rushed in, no longer upset with his annoying attempts at a performance. They were crying and embraced him tightly, evoking a confused expression to appear on Night’s face. Shortly after, his cutie mark appeared, and Night finally understood what his fate was. It seemed silly to him after that, he had known about his passion for music for so long, yet had been blind to how it could have affected his life.

Time passed, changing the world around Night. His mother was in hospital with a life threatening condition, originating from a rare illness. The doctors seemed very troubled when they told him they were unsure as to her survival. He was used to such changes now, having changed himself after graduating from Celestia’s school. Night was not seen without his enchanted lyre after which, always being more than happy to play for other ponies, more for the experience and practice which came along with the rush of entertaining others. He noted that he could change ponies depending on which tunes he played, often having effects which he would not have thought possible. He made a mental note to explore this further.

On a single sorrowful day, Night was rushed to the hospital. The doctors sadly explained that while they had tried everything that was possible, they had been unable to improve her condition. His family said their final words before she fell unconscious, and Night instinctually picked up his midnight-coloured lyre, and began to play the most sad tune he could find in his memory as a tribute to a wonderful mare. The doctors didn’t have the nerve to tell him not to play music in the hospital after his mother had passed away. They found themselves listening intently to the tune regardless. Rumours spread about the beautiful music that was played all the way through the night in the hospital, until the sun rose.

Parents & Family

Night’s parents were very supportive of their foals, making sure they could follow whichever dreams they wanted to. They couldn’t be around forever sadly. His mother passed away shortly after he graduated from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and he had not wanted to stay with his family much longer than that. He also had a younger sister who now runs a shop in Canterlot, selling various accessories for the fancier of ponies.


Night has many flaws, most of them originating from his social life. He was never known for being a pony who was good with words, and often finds trouble making new friends. This is explained further in his personality. He is also very sensitive himself, and hates to see another pony sad or upset about anything; even slightly suffering. His cure-all remedy for such matters will often be very predictable. Yes, he plays music for them.


Night is an extremely quiet pony, who would often prefer to be left on his own; unless he is performing his music. He is not accustomed to the outdoors, and as such will normally be found at his home. He regrets his lack of social experience, but would never trade it for his passion for music. Additionally, the result of his heavy studying in his early years shows in his actions. He is a intelligent pony, who is able to apply his skills and abilities in the most efficient way possible in order to solve a dilemma. Another outcome of this is his very calm mindset; if he becomes angry, he will never show it in his expression or speech. After all, he does not favour aggression in most forms.

Around friends Night is often happy and talkative, but takes a long time to warm up to and so he finds it difficult to make new ones. He is often very insecure about his personality and often wonders what other ponies really think about him. Those who do not know him better would record him as a cold pony who was incapable of carrying across his emotions. Those who have heard him play music would say otherwise.

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This is quite the good application. My only issue is there appears to be two cutie mark stories; one in the "Cutie Mark" section and one in the "History/Cutie Mark Story" section. So simply keep one and disregard the other. Personally I like the second one with his mother in the hospital much better, as it is a much deeper story that adds depth to his personality. Other than this I double story, I think the app is great and ready to go! :)

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Thanks! The reason I put two in there is I thought people might want to see the short version of it. I was pretty tired at the time I wrote it too, but I'm fairly sure thats the reason. I've edited out the shorter version for you.

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