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About Myself: Hey, I'm KrazyKolt, known as Sonickrazy on other sites. I just quickly took the last part of my standard username to make the one for this site, XP. I live in Colorado and am a Senior in highschool, and just recently got into MLP, but I've probably watched more episodes of it per day than I have any other show. I'm into Manga and Anime mostly, and am pretty sufficient in Japanese. Hope to get to know y'all better!

How I found Canterlot.com: Google search for "My Little Pony RP". I'm a man who knows what he wants.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'd seen memes and stuff of it before, but thought it was kind of weird and immediately dismissed it. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I watched the first episode... then the second... and now, 5 days after I watched the first, I have finished all of season 1 and am rainbow-dashing through the second season. I think that qualifies me as a Brony, especially now that I'm officially joining the herd. XP

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie

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