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Are your friends as confused as mine?


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An internet community dedicated to love and tolerance runs so opposite to the usual troll-infested cesspools of the internet.

That right there sums up a large part of the show's appeal to me.

A few of my friends know I watch it. Not many. I have one friend in particular I dread finding out. He wouldn't make fun of me, but I think he would be weird about it. He's an ex military, correctional officer, real red-meat & guns type.

I'm hesitant to post stuff I want to on Facebook and such out of paranoia.

I don't think it quite equates to DR. Who just because of the target audience difference.

Maybe I just need to get over my insecurities.

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Funny story: All of my close friends (see: the ones who come to D&D every week with me) I either made bronies or were already bronies before I said anything to them. Everyone else that I consider "friends" but only talk to at school are kinda 50/50. Most don't care, although there's one who hates MLP but not me, so it's all good.

There are a few other people who I've seen that I don't consider friends but had pony-related stuff, and I commented on it and stuff, but for the most part no one at my school really cares.

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So the really totally amazing awesome kind! Life's a party!


Well, tomorrow is going to be a day full of pony. I'm going to my bud Hayden's, and we're going to fill up on some pony all day!

He actually made a presentation today in Marketing class, which was about taking something old and making it something new. Everyone else apparently did products, but Hayden took the MLP route and made a very unique presentation. He had everyone in stitches, including me, by the end of it with how well and how hilarious he represented the show, :lol:

I gotta say, it feels good to be able to know other people that love this show...

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