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Well considering I am a champion from GW1, I am for sure getting GW2.

I can't wait until the full game comes out and I can actually get back into my grove of playing GW 24/7 while Ponies played on my second monitor XD

Its good to know that other ponies are into GW makes it easy for me to talk to them since I am a GW NERD to the max.

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Lol! I never had time when gw1 came out to get into it and I'm regretting that, but I will be devoting much of my time to gw2. The game just looks so amazing.

I definately love ArenaNet's strict no tolerance policy when it comes to grefing an d how they have designed their whole game to avoid it.

Yes, GW2 will fit the pony lifestyle quite nicely if I do say so myself. :P If you know.. if you ignore all lthe killing... hahaha.

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