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About Myself: I'm really into computers, Android, games, and guns. And ponies, and Homestuck. I love roleplaying.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Wailing about my exgirlfriend, I stumbled upon it on the internet a year ago and decided to give it a try.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hi, I'm Alpha. Like I said above, I'm really into computers, I plan on going into IT after college. I'm into Android as well, owning a Galaxy Nexus with a custom ROM. Being the son of a policeman and a member of the US Navy, I'm also huge into guns. Not as much as I'd like, but I love shooting. I'm also a US Navy Sea Cadet, there are bronies in that group, and I love to RP. My favorite music is rock and roll. I love Homestuck more than almost anything.

I suppose I should explain more of how I got into ponies. Over a year ago, my girlfriend at the time broke up with me, and I was devastated. I'm fine now, but that drove me to the Internet, where I found ponies. I fell in love. I'm now a proud and open brony. Living in New Hampshire, they're very tolerant around here. I read TONS of fan fiction, and write a lot too. I have really two OC characters, one of which my account is named after. Well, yeah, that's it.

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Welcome to Canterlot, AlphaBit! Great name and a bad pun ;-) The two seem to go together well! Have fun here :D

It's a computer pun XD My OC pony is really into computers(they have video games, they have to have computers, right?)

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It's a computer pun XD My OC pony is really into computers(they have video games, they have to have computers, right?)

Well, not for board mane RP canon... But it is still a nice pun ^_^ Alpha Beta Gamma Delta... Gotta learn my Greek alphabeta, be back later!

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Welcome to the forums! Yeah, your OC who is into computers would be perfectly appable for the Crossovers section of the Roleplay. Or you could have the character chill in the free for all section where applications are unnecessary.

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Welcome to the forums! Yeah, your OC who is into computers would be perfectly appable for the Crossovers section of the Roleplay. Or you could have the character chill in the free for all section where applications are unnecessary.

Thanks, and I think I'll just change it. It's not that big of a deal, but one thing I want to know. Is my account name and the pony I have to RP as the same?

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