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About Myself: UK brony currently going to college. I enjoy gaming and anime. There's more to me but I doubt you care just yet ;)

How I found Canterlot.com: I heard about it a while ago and decided to create an account.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: When Blunty3000 did a video about it was back in august and I've been hooked ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
So here goes a fairly generic intro post :')

I'm already active on a few pony sites but there really does seem to be a lack of "new" bronys so I thought I'd may as well break my lurking and start posting some here properly Fluttershywinkupdated.png Plus it's more about just making some new friends and experiencing the awesoem fan-created stuff first hand.

Hope to have a great time here, even if I'm not too active rainbowkiss.png

Oh one thing I was wondering, how do I add a signature as I can't seem to see it in settings?

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About the Signature, you can add/edit it by going to your "Edit Profile" page. It will be on the list of buttons on the left side of your screen. Don't worry about not finding it, I looked in the "Change Settings" section, too. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Oh. And join the RP. Become one of us. :20:

--Edit: Armony = Secret Posting ninja.

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