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EVE Online: New Equestria [Idea-Very Open]

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Well... I wanna give it a shot, and if enough people actually want to try doing this, than maybe It'll get off the ground. In the event it doesn't, disregard everything here. Will formalize and finalize thispost when ready.

So here is what I got so far. Brackets signify information for those with a lack of knowledge of the game's lore.

Summary of Crossover​: EVE Online Ponified. Does not specifically play from the perspective of the four nations (Amarr, Mimmatar, Caldari, Gallante), but rather, small adventures of groups of Capsuleers (Immortal startship captains that have clones stored at certain facilities, and can subconsciously learn skills, and much more. Essentially, demigods. http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/The_Capsule_and_the_Clone For those who want the details) and regular captains of crews (Capsuleers are actually smaller in number) or any pivotal character (such as a station manager, or defence contractor [who could be a captain]). Most of the things from EVE Online will be allowed within reason (ie. You can start out the rp with a low-end ship, but coming in with a T3 Battlecrusier may be unrealistic, remember no one starts out that good). This will be based in the future (of course lulz).

Summary of RP Historical records (aka How this happened, explanation in brackets)

As Ponykind set for the stars, their technology increased vastly. Their understanding of the interstellar technology drove them to build durable ships which were used to expand their reach across the Celestial blanket. They eventually began to colonize various star systems, build ships of all purposes, and bicker once more, and the distances drew away their close-knit society. As fast as those wars began, they ended with reconciliation and peace. The legacy of the two Sisters continued, their names spoken and treated like gods, though the truth would be warped due to time, and their names would be associated with much more than they ever wanted to.

Soon, they developed intergalactic transportation, and proposed that they send a group of cryogenically frozen ponies, the first colonists of a new galaxy that held promises according to starseers (astronomers) and scans. Huge ships were build, just as wormhole technology was proven successful. Materials were given to the colony ships destined for the new galaxy, to build the wormhole generator, or "Jump Gate" as scientists called it. Communications and anything else necessary for the mission were developed and adapted for the harsh conditions, expecting to arrive and operate in one piece. Decades of work later, and volunteers of various walks of life, were finally sent away to the galaxy.

It would be centuries later, that the colonists were awoken, and communicated with the rest of Ponykind once more. They set to building the gates, and over a short two decades, they had connected the two galaxies, and colonies sprung up everywhere throughout the new galaxy. Christened "New Equestria" (New Eden. Deal with it.), and for a time things were at peace. Until it was decided existing intergalactic system was inefficient. Plans for the biggest Jump Gate were born - "The EVE Gate"

It took a surprisingly short amount of time to build it, and both sides were activated. This allowed the Golden Era of Ponies to flourish, as both galaxies became closer, and often at time acted like they were one galaxy. Until the disaster. Records do not say why, as most were destroyed, but the gate suddenly and catastrophically failed. The gates turned into unstable wormwholes, emitting radiation and gravity capable of crushing the greatest of ships, and instantly turning a pony into a irradiated slob. New Equestria suddenly found itself in the Dark Age, incapable of what they once were.

Over the course of Fifteen thousand years, many found their ways back to the stars. Some were annexed or destroyed, while others without opportunity or lack of time to develop such technologies were taken in an assimilated into the culture of the conqueror. Eventually, only four Nations remained, holding the most power to this date. A interstellar organization devoted to keeping the law was established (In the game, this is CONCORD) as to aid in preserving the peace between the Nations. You may choose how you play your role in vast expanse that is New Equestria, for many fates lay ahead for the many soul willing to thread the stars in a ship. But be weary, for many dangers still exist, and uncertainties are still high.

The Four Nations

EVE: New Equestria is populated by four main Nations, just like in the actual game.

  • Summar Empire - The Amarr given the power of the Sun Princess herself. The worship Celestia as if she was a long-standing deity of power, and seek to spread her influence throughout the vast reach of known space. Favour ships using Laser based weapons that use Crystal charges to project the said "laser", negating the need for reload, however, higher class crystals can shatter after some time shooting, and ships are pretty durable, generally sacrificing speed for extra armour and durability, preferring a straight-on attack.
    • True Summar are the purebloods whose ancestors first set out into the stars, and paved the beginning for the Summar Empire to reign. Their names are usually long and sound like a title, rather than a actual name (Eg. Prevail Sunsword.)
    • Si-Punmare were once considered slaves in the debute of the Empire's expansion, but as time progressed on, until current date, they could be seen less as mindless drones, and more as artisans and traders, granted Summarian Citizenship. Their names normally relate to either art or trade, due to slave traditions, however, those have been lax as of recently. (eg. Painted Stars, or Sated Income)
    • Phanid could be considered one of the oldest bloodlines to have existed since the Empire's birth, originating alongside the True Summar, they were "reclaimed" by the True Summar back on Cantelus, or Summar Prime as it is known today. Their naming traditions stretch back to pre-Empire times, consisting of short and blunt names. (Eg. Sure Shot, Rock Shovel)

    [*]Lunnator Republic - Luna'd Mimmitar following our fandom's "New Lunar Republic ideals". They see Luna much less as a god, and more of a being of guidance. Split into multiple tribes, they were the last to gain interstellar technology, which shortly after, they were enslaved by the Summar. They later rebelled against their captors, the majority being able to start the Republic, where they take every opportunity to attack the Summar. Generally favour fast ships sporting projectile weaponry that take up zero capacitor energy and have variable ammo types, as well as having highly configurable ships, easily adaptable for multiple situations.

    • Strutor are the muscles of the Lunnator, yearning for the days when the Republic finally becomes a tribal-based government, they are the No-nonsense, straight forward, and prefer the direct approach type of people. Their naming conventions reflect this, similar to the Phanid, but more based on strength and honor (Eg. Fire Light, Crush Hoof)
    • Pebiestor are the thinkers, the engineers, the mavericks when it comes to extensive mechanical subsystems or that highly complex electrical grid, they seek to push forward with their engineering prowess, bringing the technologies. It is said that the best engineer's can create a Projectile Turret from nothing but scrap. Their names reflect their ingenuity and determination (Eg. Gear plan, Optic space.)
    • Mherokiror are the scholars and artisans. What the other two bloodlines won't or can't do, the Mherokiror will, their adept ability at social navigation allows them movement between all the aspects of Lunnator life, able to experience multiple perspectives, broadening theirs. Their naming conventions strive away from the general shortness, and relate to their birth parent's various professions and positions, which can change according to Cutie Mark. (Eg. Volatile Lunargold, Sharp Mind)

    [*]Aalpari State - Descendants of the Apple Family who run separate trading mega-corporations merging together to become as powerful as a nation. Originally uplifted by Gallantare, they left the Federation due to a dispute, and the later attack on "unregistered" colonies, this triggered a decade long war between the Aalpari They favour ships with high shielding, and also enjoy the benefits of long ranged weaponry, such as Railguns and Missile launchers, however, their ships are slower than most.

    • Aivire, the most aggressive of the Aalpari, they can focus their aggression anywhere, be it market or war. This nature, along with the innate ability to endure pressure while remaining calm, is what makes them valuable in high-risk occupations. They are named reflecting upon their aggressive nature in a certain field. (Eg. Charged Profit, Plasma Rage)
    • Aetis are regarded as the leaders and figure-heads of the state, smooth talking and possessing minds capable of turning the worst of chaos into structured order, this nature, along with an utilitarian mindset, makes them the spearhead of Aalpari development and progression. Their naming conventions reflect this (Eg. Sharp Tounge)
    • Aplarin are considered one of the original bloodlines, their time under Federation control the same as the entire state itself. Although they never interested themselves with the big picture, only the small details. This ability to be able to go indepth into anything, at the expense of widened perspective, is what makes them excellent in their profession, and work better when collaborating with others. Their name strictly reflects their profession, and some have been renamed due to their Cutie Marks not matching their intended occupations. (Eg. Bottle Bomb, Warped Speed).

    [*]Gallantare Federation - One of the other races to finish interstellar technology after the Amarr, they also began expanding, though spreading their ideals of democracy and freedom, uplifting those that they discovered and allowing them to join the Federation. The Aalpari used to be part of the Federation, and even helped to develop a Warp Drive, but a war following disputes about "unregistered colonies" forced the hoof of the Gallantare. They are now considered the most free of the Nations. Favours ships with adequate armour, while maximizing on both Hybrid turret technology, able to adapt to using either Railguns from afar or Blasters up close, they are also masters of drone management, most ships being capable of employing drones, they also have large capacitor reserves, though cannot be matched with the Summar's ship reserves.

    • True Gallantare (Though addressed as Gallantare) were the original fore founders of the Federation known today. Their beliefs in a pure freedom and democracy propelled them very far, making their Federation the most ethnically and socially diverse, and their government considered the only "true democracy" in New Equestria. Although slow when in a neutral state, sometimes appearing sluggish, their spirit and dedication to the Federation allows them to act quickly when threatened, mobilizing assets and armies within days or weeks. Their naming style is loosely based on their Cutie Mark, so sometimes names are changed when they're acquired, but contains a level of simplicity and sophistication. (Starlight Ambyre, Stargaze Lighten)
    • Mntaki are the largest and oldest non-Gallantare ethnicity within the Federation, holding a prominent role in politics. Their exceeding social skills give them this leverage, and although they have, one can consider, been assimilated into Gallantare society, they still keep their old traditions, such as a belief on a life cycle, which also gives them a more calculated and logical response to life. Their naming convention takes a much more rougher standard than True Gallantare, but retains a similar length. (Sharpen Start, Long eye)
    • Min-Sei were recently brought into the Federation, and have only recently took to the stars. Their pre-Federation caste system contradicts the Gallantare virtues, however, the Federation has left that issue at hand for now, and it is unknown if they will be allowed to continue those traditions, or will they be forced to reject them. Their names stem from their Caste system traditions, having specific names for specific professions, and thus are subjected to change when Cutie Mark emerges (Eg. Lightened Cut, Marked Profit)

Other Races:

You can NOT play as these races. They will be NPCs

  • Discordri (Credits to tyler008bon for name and Discord inclusion) - A large pirate faction of people who once made up a "Nation" with Discord in the guise of a pony. The original nation was destroyed by a join collaborative effort. Remnants of the Nation later emerged from the ashes of the old, and slowly rebuilt. Discord revealed himself to still be alive after the original nation's destruction, and lead on, conduction "Incursions" or strikes on the four Nations, beginning with the Summar. (Basically, http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Sansha%27s_Nation with discord as leader). Uses extreme mind-control and personality twisting to remove identities and turn its members into chaotic beings through the use of cybernetics. Discord is respected similar to a god due to brainwash.

Conventions and Rules:

  • You don't start out piloting the best of the best. No exceptions.
  • You do not own any of the Nations, or play a major pivotal role (secretary of president, etc).
  • You may be a Capsuleer or a Regular Captain with his crew (must explain who is in the crew, but not as much detail and captain). Capsuleers are less regarded as normal people, either feared or despised for being so different, amongst other rumours.
  • NPCs (Either I or another person will control them) are allowed to fully kill (for regular captains) or Pod (Destroy a Capsuleer's capsule, forcing them to be re-cloned). However, no abuse of this will come, you will be asked if you want to die.
  • In roleplay, deaths will NOT, under any circumstances, be depicted violently. The furthest you can go is your ship blowing up in a thermonuclear explosion, but no gore. We don't need to know how the captain dies with thousands of tons of steel crushing down and [data redacted], as well as we needn't know the Capsuleer's amniotic fluids leaking out and [data redacted] the body. If you don't understand this, leave this thread and never return.
  • I will add more on suggestions, or better ideas

Special Mechanics

In the actual game, Skills are a mechanic used to govern the player's development in the game. These skills range from being able to fly in certain ships, to even being able to converse more efficiently. The list of skills and their effects can be found here http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Item_Database:Skills. All the skills that the link shows are applicable for training. However, as the mechanic goes, it takes days to train a skill. In this rp, we don't count days till you can do something, but rather, with the amount of non-ooc pots. For example.

Spaceship Command II(level 2) would take Three posts of proper roleplay to unlock, or "train". So said roleplayer must post three roleplay posts to gain the skill. After that, he may continue to "queue" skills.

The maximum number of skills that can be "queued" at one time is three. Since each skill has five levels before it is considered "mastered"

  • Level One Skills Take One(1) post to finish training (25% effective)
  • Level Two Skills Take Three (3) posts to finish training (30% effective)
  • Level Three Skills take Six (6) posts to finish training (50% effective)
  • Level Four Skills take Ten (10) posts to finish training (75% effective)
  • Level Five Skills take Fourteen (14) posts to finish training (100% effective, or "Mastered")

Skill training time doesn't scale, for example, after finishing Level Two training, you have to start again at Six posts. However, to simplify things, all your queued skills can train at the same time. In order to balance this issue and create thoughtful choices, you can not change your skills in training without resetting their timer.

With regards to skill effectiveness, do use rp etiquette, reasoning and judgement to determine the right course of action. For example, you are a bad rp'er if you've just learnt to fly battleships, but can use them like they're an extension of your body. A good rp'er would actually use these flaws to supplement the rp.

Attributes are fixed stats that work in tandem to help your character perform better, such that they supplement your skills, all stats have a maximum value of 30. The stats are listed below

  • Charisma - Leadership, Social, Trade
  • Intelligence - Electronics, Engineering, Mechanic, Navigation, Science
  • Memory - Industry, Corporation Management, Drones
  • Perception - Missile Operation, Gunnery, Spaceship Command
  • Willpower - Leadership, Trade

In addition, Species of pony you choose also affects your attributes, adding +2 to the attributes it boosts.

  • Earth Pony - Charisma and Willpower
  • Pegasus - Perception and Willpower
  • Unicorn - Intelligence and Memory

In basic terms, ships in the actual game have numerical values. But there's already enough guessing and mathematical assumption going on when initiating a move in this rp. Therefore, I've taken the liberty of simplifying three stats abit.

Shielding, Armour and Structure: How durable your ship is, or the time before it blows up. Can be rated as Very Weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, Very Strong

  • Frigate - Weak, Weak, Weak.
  • Destroyer - Weak, Medium, Weak
  • Cruiser - Medium, Medium, Medium
  • Battlecruiser - Medium, Strong, Medium
  • Battleship - Strong, Strong, Strong
  • Capital Ship - Strong, Strong, Medium
  • Titan - Very Strong, Very Strong, Very Strong
  • Industrial Ship (Freighter) - Weak, Medium, Weak

Targeting range and Optimal Range: How far your ship can target, and the best range for targeting. More dependant on weapon than ship. Tech 2 Weaponry does not change anything here. Can be Rated as Very Short, Short, Medium, Long, Very Long. Optimal range is one level less than Maximum (Medium, Short)

  • Lasers
    • Beam - Medium, Short
    • Pulse - Long, Medium

    [*]Hybrid Turrets

    • Railguns - Very Long, Long
    • Blasters - Medium, Short

    [*]Projectile Weaponry

    • Artillery Cannons - Long, Medium
    • Autocannons - Short, Very Short


    • Missiles - Medium, Short
    • Rockets - Short, Very Short
    • Cruise Missiles - Long, Medium
    • Torpedoes - Very Long, Long

Speed and Manoeuvring: How fast your ship can move and manoeuvre in certain situations, such as during combat, or through a asteroid field. Can be rated as Sluggish, Slow, Medium, Fast, Highly Agile

  • Frigate - Highly Agile
  • Destroyer - Fast
  • Cruiser - Medium
  • Battlecruiser - Medium
  • Battleship - Slow
  • Capital Ship - Slow
  • Titan - Sluggish
  • Industrial Ship - Medium

Nation ship modifiers are also granted for the above system, as listed below. They only alter by one value (Eg, Weak to Strong, or Slow to Sluggish)

  • Summar - + Armour, - Speed and Manoeuvring
  • Lunnator - + Speed and Manoeuvring, - Shielding and Structure
  • Aaplari - + Shielding, - Speed and Manoeuvring
  • Gallantare - + Armour, - Speed and Manoeuvring

And one more thing: Weapons have their own damages, tracking speed (Rate at which the turret takes to line up a shot), and firing rates (how fast the turret shoots). This is listed below in the format <Weapon> <Damage> <Trackspd> <Firerate>. Damage can be rated as Weak, Moderate, Strong. Tracking speed can be rated as Slow, Moderate, Fast. Firing Rate can be rated as Slow, Moderate, Fast. Tech 2 Turrets/missiles/etc are one up from the normals. (Eg. Tech 2 Reailgun is Strong, Fast, Fast)

  • Lasers Do Electromagnetic Damage
    • Beam - Weak, Moderate, Fast
    • Pulse - Moderate, Fast, Moderate

    [*]Hybrid Turrets Do Thermal Energy

    • Railguns - Moderate, Moderate, Moderate
    • Blasters - Strong, Moderate, Fast

    [*]Projectile Weaponry Kinetic Energy

    • Artillery Cannons - Strong, Moderate, Slow
    • Autocannons - Moderate, Fast, Fast

    [*]Missiles Depending on ammo-type, but can technically do all.

    • Missiles - Moderate, Moderate, Moderate
    • Rockets - Weak, Moderate, Fast
    • Cruise Missiles - Strong, Slow, Slow
    • Torpedoes - Strong, Slow, Slow.

One more thing: Non-Weaponry modules have a very generalized rating system for their efficiency, but more detailed. It can be rated as: Inefficient, Weak, Moderate, Semi-efficient, Efficient. Everything here http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Item_Database:Ship_Equipment applies but turrets and ammo. Tech 2 modules are one up from normals (Armour hardener II is Semi-Efficient.)

  • Hull and Armour
    • Armour Hardeners help in defence against a specific type of damage. Standard models are Weak, while Tech 2 Models are Moderate. Note: No Missile Armour hardener does not cover Cruise Missiles and Torpedoes, due to their sheer power.
      • Missiles
      • Laser
      • Hybrid
      • Projectile Weaponry

      [*]Armour and Hull repairers repair armour damage outside of stations. They are Moderate in their use, intended as emergency or on-the-go repair until a station can be reached.

      [*]Resistance plating is considered the middle ground in Armour resistance. Striking a Semi-Efficient rating, however, its missile defence still can not handle Cruise Missiles and Torpedoes.

      • Missiles
      • Laser
      • Hybrid
      • Projectile Weaponry

      [*]Energized Plating performs the same task as Armour hardeners, but is more effective than the hardener, and can support defence against Cruiser and Torpedoes. They can be rated as Efficient

      • Missiles
      • Lasers
      • Hybrid
      • Projectile Weaponry


    • Boosters help to restore shield energy by diverting capacitor energy, and can be rated as Moderate in their efficiency
    • Shield Hardeners and Resistance Amplifiers are activated modules that increase resistance against weapon types. Hardener has moderate performance, while Resistance Amps have Semi-Efficient performance.
      • Missiles
      • Laser
      • Hybrid
      • Projectile Weaponry

      [*]Shield Rechargers, Power diverters, and Flux coils increase the passive (so not like a booster) recharge rates of the shields. Rechargers have a Weak level of performance, while Flux coils can do more, while sacrificing Max shield capacity (one down from Ship's shield rating) for a Moderate level of recharge. Diverters are classified as Semi-Efficient.

    [*]Electronics and Sensor Upgrades

    • Automated and Passive Targeting systems are designed to help increase target acquisition. Automated models require activation, and are rated Moderate, while Passives are rated Weak, due to their non-active nature. Remote Sensor boosters and Sensor Boosters and Signal Amplifiers have the same rating as a Automated Targeting System (Moderate), but also boost range by one.
    • Scanners come in three models, listed below. All perform at moderate efficiency.
      • Cargohold
      • Tactical Ship analysis
      • Data and Materials.

      [*]Cloaking devices render a ship physically and sensor-wise, invisible. The Prototype version works at Moderate efficiency, and force decloak when enemies are in short range, while The Tech 2 modules force decloak when enemies are in Very short range.

    [*]Engineering Equipment

    • Power Diagnostic systems (PDS) and Reactor control units (RCU) work to optimize power grid. PDS works at a Moderate pace, while RCUs work at Semi-efficient.
    • Capacitor Rechargers, Power Relays, and Flux Coils work to passively boost a system. Rechargers work Weak, Power relays operate at Moderate efficiency, and Flux Coils work at Semi-Efficient rates.
    • Auxiliary Power Controls (APC) increase a Powercore's energy by ten(10) units.
    • Boosters help to restore capacitor energy by diverting capacitor energy, and can be rated as Moderate in their efficiency


    • Afterburners and Warp Drives are activated boosters that increase speed. Afterburners increase the speed by one level (Slow, Medium), and Warp Drives increase it by two (Medium, Highly Agile)
    • Propulsion upgrades are passive modules that boot a speed only by one level (Slow, Medium)

Character Sheet and Ship Data (Aka Character Application)

Due to the number of various factors in this rp, you need to make a character, but it doesn't need to be posted on the Applications forums. Instead, you can either PM me the app, so I can look at it, or post in here in this thread.





Physical Features: Such as mane colour style, eye colour, fur colour, etc

Cutie Mark: Include the story of how this was aquired here too.

Nation and Bloodline: For now, one of the four Nations, bloodlines listed beneath nations


Starting Skillset: (You start with: Navigation, Science, Mechanics, Electronics, Engineering, Spaceship command + <Your nation> Frigate (Eg. Summar Frigate), Gunnery + Small <national weapon type> (Eg. Small Projectile turret), +2 more L1)

Attributes: (Go to a dice roller, or a website for rolling. Do a 2d10, or a 1-20 random selection. If the random value is below 10, then +5. If the value is above 10, leave it as it is.)

  • Charisma
  • Intelligence
  • Memory
  • Perception
  • Willpower

Character Summary: (Do try to base it off what has currently been filled out, and especially if you can tie it in with your attributes)

Also, keep a separate ship sheet so people know the meta information about your ship. Ship database can be found here http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Item_Database:Ships. Reference off that, and don't forget about Special Mechanics. You can start with any one of the Tech-1 Frigates, then work from there.

Ship name: (eg. Fluttershy [thats my actual cruiser's name], more realistic: Celestius, Hyperius, Profited Trade, Sniveris, etc. )

Ship Type and Class: (eg. Thorax Cruiser)

Power Grid and CPU: Use the format of "usedvalue/maxiumumvalue" (eg. 45/195tf CPU, 190/195MW Power) (Power is measured in MW, while CPU in tf)

Shielding, Armour and Structure: They all can be rated as Very weak, weak, average, strong, very strong. (Eg. A frigate would have weak/very weak depending on class)

Targeting range and Optimal Range: Can be rated as Very Short ,Short, Medium, Far, Very Far. Optimal range will normally be one less. (Eg. Targeting range is Medium, Optimal Range is Short)

Speed and Manoeuvring: Can be rated as Sluggish, Slow, Medium, Fast, Highly Agile.

Cargohold Size: In m3

Drone Bay Size and Drone Bandwidth: also in m3, also bandwidth is in Mbit/sec


  • High (<number of slots here>)
  • <​Description of item in here, such as Name, Type, CPU/Power, Damage, Tracking Speed, Firing Rate, etc>
  • Medium (<number of slots here>)
  • <​Description of item in here, such as Name, Type, CPU/Power, Damage, Tracking Speed, Firing Rate, etc>
  • Low (<number of slots here>)
  • <​Description of item in here, such as Name, Type, CPU/Power, Damage, Tracking Speed, Firing Rate, etc>
  • Rigs/Upgradable Hardpoints (<number of slots here>)
  • <Description of item in here, such as Name, Type, CPU/Power, Damage, Tracking Speed, Firing Rate, etc>

Example Character Sheet and Ship Data

Name: Stargaze Lighten

Age: 30

Sex: Stallion

Species: Unicron

Physical Features: Lean and thin due to time spent in Capsule, but still retains some of his pre-Capsuleer strength, equal to an well-built Stallion. Wings are in perfect flying condition. Crimson Fur coat, with mane and tail shortly cut and giving a messy appearance. Mane and Tail colour are Twilight grey. Eye colour is Black. Prefers to wear minimal clothes due to the limited time he spends outside of the ship, let alone the capsule.

Cutie Mark: Three bright stars that form a constellation in the shape of a Triangle, which represent his unsaitable desire for knowledge hidden amongst the stars, and his need to acquire that knowledge. Gained through an extensive desire to discover the secrets of the cosmos back in Grade School.

Nation and Bloodline: Gallantare, True Gallantare

Motivation: To uncover the mysteries and secrets of the cosmos, and to make them available to all.

Starting Skillset: Navigation, Science, Mechanic, Electronics, Engineering, Spaceship command + Gallantare Frigate, Gunnery + Small Hybrid Turret, Astrometrics, Research

Attributes: (Go to a dice roller, or a website for rolling. Do a 2d10, or a 1-20 random selection. If the random value is below 10, then +5. If the value is above 10, leave it as it is.)

  • Charisma - 15
  • Intelligence - 14 + 2 = 16 (Species Bonus)
  • Memory - 11 + 2 = 13 (Species Bonus)
  • Perception - 12
  • Willpower - 18

Character Summary: Stargaze, or "Star" as his friends called him, was born on a Gallantare colony world, one of the inner worlds that were first colonised by the ancestors. He studied well in school, excelling in Sciences, because of his high level of interest in Astrology and Astrophysics, but suffered on his Mathematical subjects, which left him with low memory. However, his motivation and interests in that one day he may be amongst the stars travelling, saw him graduating at the end of the year, earning his Cutie Mark. He applied for Capsuleer status, as he didn't want to be restricted in his own body, and barely passed the examinations, just qualifying for Capsuleer. After that, he used his saved up money to buy a Frigate, and travelled around the systems, using scanners and knowledge to make sense of space-time anomalies to other people, making money along the way. He isn't afraid to fight, but would rather not, preferring to run. Surprisingly, for a Capsuleer, he is a smooth talker, and empathize with most Captains or non-Capsuleers, due to his past experiences.

His personality takes the form of a very docile, but determined being, never backing down in the face of difficulty or danger. Although sometimes mocked by his colleagues for boasting such low memory and intelligence, he makes up for it by outwitting them, and going where most wouldn't bother, in order to get the most out of everything. In a fight, he engages with the same ferocity as he would while studying, but acts like a loose cannon more. However, he very much prefers to stay away from fights, even though he is more than capable of defending himself. He just prefers not accidentally lose his ship, or make numerous enemies along his travels.

Ship name: Starsurfer

Ship Type and Class: Imicus Frigate

Power Grid and CPU: 16/20MW Power, 28/240tf CPU

Shielding, Armour and Structure: Weak, Weak, Weak

Targeting range and Optimal Range: Very Long, Long

Speed and Manoeuvring: Highly Agile

Cargohold Size: 0.4m3

Drone Bay Size and Drone Bandwidth: None.


  • High (2)
    • ​125mm Carbide Railgun (7MW/12tf, Turrets and Bays, Moderate Trackspeed, Moderate Firerate) + 20x Antimatter Charge S
    • 125mm Carbide Railgun (7MW/12tf, Turrets and Bays ,Moderate Damage, Moderate Trackspeed, Moderate Firerate) + 20x Antimatter Charge S

    [*]Medium (2)

    • Civilian Shield Booster (1MW/2tf, Shield Booster) (Note: Civilian Class items are low-grade, but no skills needed to use)
    • Civilian Afterburner (1MW/2tf, Propulsion/Afterburners)

    [*]Low (2)

    • ​Basic Expanded Cargohold (No waste, Hull and Armour)
    • None (Must be indicated)

    [*]Rigs/Upgradable Hardpoints (3)

    • None

Final Note: Again, if this idea doesn't get off the ground, disregard post. If it does, check here for updates. Also, suggestions and feedback for the roleplay itself (such as ponified lore, mechanics, etc) are welcome.

To-do List

  • Make Rp friendly to non-EVE online players. People should, should not need to have played actual game before to understand, despite being crossover.


  • 21:27 GMT+8, 14/5/12 - Added the Discordi, added Naming Convention examples
  • 8:46 GMT+8, 15/5/12 - Added a To-do list, and the convention of possible permanent-death.
  • 7:03 GMT+8 15/5/12 - Added Skills and Attributes section, and added new rule
  • 22:13 GMT+8 16/5/12 - Added Examples, Details on weaponry, elaboration on certain ship stats, and finished fixing massive forum derp that converted post to html coding(?). Expect to be rp-ready in around 2-3 days.
  • 22:45 GMT+8 18/5/12 - Added Weaponry Stats, updated ship template format abit, First Rp should be as soon as I get people onto this idea. Must make sure no prior experience with game needed.

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Well its not worshippers. In the game, the Amarr are a Empire-centric system using Religion to keep things under control. Similar to what Celestia essentially does with ruling Equestria. Hence why I decided to "continue the legacy" of Celestia, and through time and history, it turned her from ruler to god, hence religion.

The Lunnator (The Mimmatar) are more based of the fandom "New Lunar Republic vs Solar Empire" concept. Instead of Worshipping Luna, they act more under the guidance set by Luna. Following EVE history that the Mimmatar were enslaved and yada yada, being the last of the four powers gain interstellar technology, and getting annexed by the Amarr. However, they followed the tales of how Luna would've acted, and again, due to time and history, it became twisted, however, the Lunnator do not consider it religion, rather "ideological adaptation".

The 3rd religion though, I could find a way to tie it in as a primary antagonist... Somehow.

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You see, I've never played EVE online, so I had no idea. If it is stuggling to tie those in, then by all means don't, it was just an idea.

What are the exact jobs one can have, and what are a few examples of names?

Its okay, maybe I'm trying to differ off, I'll provide explanations in the final revision of the lore. I did give you credit for the Discordri idea, reminded me of Sansha's nation (details in OP)

A simple naming example would be for instance, taking one of my char's names, Snipey Ambyre (the last part was properly generated, "Snipey" was one of my old gamernames) and changing it into Starlight Ambyre (Starlight being a random name beginning with "S", Ambyre being a derived pronunciation of Amber)

So: Snipey Ambyre --> Starlight Ambyre.

Another example with less similarities: Traiton Nalemir --> Triton Malestorm (Traiton --> Triton to similar sounding, Nalemir --> Malestorm due to "Nale"-->"Male" and add storm to make sense)

Now for a non-derived example: Blazed Night <Insert tribe name> (This would be a example of a Lunnator name, Blazed would be to do with his personality, while "Night" would be his surname. Since before the introduction of the republic, "Night" was a common last name. Tradition also dictates a Tribe name, but I'll work on ponifying that later)

I'll also post what I typed above into OP, along with more details.

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TIme for me to final test my own system.

Name: Starlight Ambyre

Age: 28

Sex: Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Physical Features: A Coat of fur as bright as Crimson Orange-Red, And a mane and tail of rusty-black. The tail and mane are kept at a short and rough cut, showing his disregard to style and personal appearance,

Cutie Mark: Three bright blue stars in a triangular formation, acquired when he first stumbled into his home planet's hidden ruins, and found something undiscovered before by complete accident. Supposed to represent Starlight's desire for exploration and adventure, the never-ending adrenaline rush that is gained from uncovering the past.

Nation and Bloodline: Gallantare Mntaki

Motivation: To set and explore the stars, and create a living through adventuring, exploring space as it really is, uncovering the lost relics, and of course, swatting those that stand against his ideas.

Starting Skillset: Navigation, Science, Mechanics, Electronics, Engineering, Spaceship command + Gallantare Frigate, Gunnery + Small Hybrid Weapon, Lunnator Frigate, Small Projectile Turret

Attributes: (Go to a dice roller, or a website for rolling. Do a 2d10, or a 1-20 random selection. If the random value is below 10, then +5. If the value is above 10, leave it as it is.)

  • Charisma - 17
  • Intelligence - 12
  • Memory - 14
  • Perception - 13
  • Willpower - 17

Character Summary: Starlight wasn't born as the brightest foal in his block, but his determination more than made up for it, although he got low grades at school, he knew a few other friends who helped him, while he helped them overcome the hardships of life, always lending a hand to those who need it. Some said that stupidity stopped one from becoming a Capsuleer, but Startlight's ambition drove him to be the best of his class, scoring multiple kills in simulations, sometimes with almost perfect precision. Such as that the military took notice. Starlight refused to join the military, instead, requested to be in the expeditionary regiments, that always pushed the boundaries of known-space, and sometimes the knowledge of Wormhole space. In his journey's he has seen most of what the known universe has to offer him, such as the Sleeper Drones in Wormhole space, the glorious ruins of another age, and Starlight even had the opportunity to fly alongside and dock inside a Titan class starship, which was one of his finer highlights in his life. He retired, from active exploration at an 26, and went to Lunnator space, to study more about his Mother's origins (His Mother was Lunnator, though died at Labour, Father was KIA a Gallantare and Aalpari skirmish). His time in the Lunnator republic has made him know the underdogs of the society better.

Ship name: Darkbright

Ship Type and Class: Rifter Frigate

Power Grid and CPU: 10MW/37MW Power, 30/125ft CPU

Shielding, Armour and Structure: Weak, Weak, Weak

Targeting range and Optimal Range: Short, Very Short

Speed and Manoeuvring: Highly Agile + Lunnator Ship speed Bonus.

Cargohold Size: 130 m3

Drone Bay Size and Drone Bandwidth:None


  • High (4)
  • 150mm Light Autocannon I (2MW/6ft, Turrets and bays, Short - Very Short range, Moderate Damage, Fast Fire rate, Fast Tracking Speed, Kinetic Damage)
  • 150mm Light Autocannon I (2MW/6ft, Turrets and bays, Short - Very Short range, Moderate Damage, Fast Fire rate, Fast Tracking Speed, Kinetic Damage)
  • 150mm Light Autocannon I (2MW/6ft, Turrets and bays, Short - Very Short range, Moderate Damage, Fast Fire rate, Fast Tracking Speed, Kinetic Damage)
  • 150mm Light Autocannon I (2MW/6ft, Turrets and bays, Short - Very Short range, Moderate Damage, Fast Fire rate, Fast Tracking Speed, Kinetic Damage)
  • Medium (3)
  • Civilian Afterburner (1MW/2ft, Civilian Modules, Inefficient)
  • Civilian Shield Booster (1MW/2ft, Civilian Modules, +1 to Speed and Manoeuvring)
  • None
  • Low (3)
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Rigs/Upgradable Hardpoints (3)
  • None
  • None
  • None

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