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One year of Bronydom!

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Today is my one year anniversary of becoming a Brony, for me this is kinds of a big deal as this is one of the most interesting, diverse and fun groups I have ever been a part of.

Now granted this is not my anniversary here at these forums but hey whatever.

I really like this community, so many people with so many interests gathered as one.

Its ironic that when I first heard of FiM I honestly didnt think it could be any good like the lot of us did but if its one thing this show taught me is that there are lot of unexpected surprises out there.

To this community I can only say keep up the good work and even when this show is dead and gone its the community that makes me feel so good in the end.

I have not felt this good about a fandom since my days as a Trekkie, I still sort of am a Trekkie but its died down over time.

I am sure the same will be for this but hey as we get older tastes change.

But I will look back at this community as something fun and exciting and bringing some fun back into my life.

Thanks everypony!

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Why can I see Pinkie singing in that voice in the actual show? xD

Anyway, congrats! So what got you into the fandom to begin with and what kept you along for the ride? Do you think it's changed you personally in any way or inspired you try any new things (or expose you to them) that you didn't see yourself doing a year ago?

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So what got you into the fandom to begin with and what kept you along for the ride? Do you think it's changed you personally in any way or inspired you try any new things (or expose you to them) that you didn't see yourself doing a year ago?

Well what got me into this is thatguywiththeglasses.com and the forums over there, usually we have the most opinionated and critical people in the world over there who look at movies, TV, Music, books, games, etc and are often not too kind about it.

This is why the pony thread over there intrigued me, it was about 9 pages long at the time and usually if a topic has that many pages its either really good or really bad.

I thought they were making fun of it, making jokes at its expense, you know things people normally are supposed to do when the name "My Little Pony" comes up.

But no, most of them if not all of them who were posting liked it, I could not figure out why so I had to investigate farther.

Here are my pre Brony thoughts:


I think I must have watched about three episodes or so at that point

Later I had this to say:


It was the next day and the whole brony thing was starting to kick in, by then I watched a good portion of the first season and finished on the next day and here is what I said:

(spoilered for a not so nice word for these G rated forums)


Though here is a more age appropriate version of what I said above:

Well I finally got through the first season, and...

I think the show got to me too, I mean they really turned something awful and made it good instead of what usually happens in the case of making something good into something awful or turning something awful and making it even more awful.

Its actually better then it should be, sure I can tell a mile away the target audience and what the show is supposed to be for, but geez how in the hay did something associated with crap (as the original and little pony tales sucked) turn into something that is actually pretty decent.

What in the fudge is wrong with this picture?

Sure the series has its flaws but all shows do, and there were one or two episodes i did not care for but still its overall a decent series, very harmless overall and decently written.

for those who are underage but curious

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Hmm... that's pretty interesting (and was pretty funny to read, actually). Nostalgia Critic is from that site too, right? I've seen him review a couple movies I cherished as a child to find out how ridiculous they really were, lol. So yeah, I think I understand what you mean by them "not being kind about their reviews." So then, no one ended up trashing the series over there, eh?

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